Plant Life → Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta
Organizations relating to Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta
Asia-Pacific Society for Applied Phycology / Yantai, China / Est. 1994
Europan Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes / Portree, UK / Est. 1990
Collaborative Intergovernmental Scientific Research Institute / Novara, Italy / Est. 2000
International Scientific Committee for the Symposia on Phototrophic Prokaryotes / Porto, Portugal
International Scientific Committee of the International Medicinal Mushroom Conference / Beijing, China
Planta Europa / Uppsala, Sweden
Africa Fund for Fungal Biodiversity and Mycotic Infections / Utrecht, Netherlands
International Centre for Food Micro-Algae Against Malnutrition / Rome, Italy / Est. 2001
Asociación Latinoamericana de Pteridologia / Mexico City, Mexico / Est. 1994
Microalgae International Union / Boulder Creek CA, USA / Est. 1965
International Association of Pteridologists / Edgecomb ME, USA / Est. 1987
International Symposium for Photosynthetic Prokaryotes
International Congress on the Cultivation of Edible Fungi
European Conference on Fungal Genetics
Tuber aestivum / uncinatum European Scientific Group
International Mushroom School / San Giorgio di Piano, Italy
Working Group for Mapping Bryophytes in Europe / Robertville, Belgium
Council for International Cooperation on Yeast Science
Central and East European Bryological Working Group
International Commission on Antifungal Susceptibility Testing
International Working Group on Graminaceous Downy Mildew
International Commission of Cercospora
International Bracken Group / Liverpool, UK / Est. 1985
International Seaweed Exchange
International Commission on Fungal Serology
Union of Dried Yeast Producers of the Common Market / Paris, France / Est. 1967
FAO Global Network on Mushrooms / Rome, Italy / Est. 1993
Liaison Centre of the Industries for the Treatment of Seaweeds in the EEC / Est. 1973
Mushroom Growers Association / Est. 1945
Australasian Bryological Working Group / Hobart TAS, Australia
Global Network on Mushroom Research and Development / Shatin, Hong Kong / Est. 1991
International Mushroom Dye Institute / Est. 1985
International Yeast 2.0 Synthetic Genomics Conference / Est. 2012
European Fusarium Seminar
International Fission Yeast Meeting
International Seaweed Conference
International Fossil Algae Association / Knoxville TN, USA / Est. 1974
Journées européennes du Cortinaire / Est. 1983
Seaweed for Europe
Safe Seaweed Coalition / Est. 2021
Borlaug Global Rust Initiative / Ithaca NY, USA / Est. 2005
Latin American Bryological Society / Bogota, Colombia / Est. 1982
International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae / Kalmar, Sweden / Est. 1997
International Seaweed Association / Est. 1952
International Society for Applied Phycology / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / Est. 1999
International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas / Est. 1983
Groupement européen des producteurs de champignons / Paris, France / Est. 1980
Nordic Algae Symposium
European Association for Specialty Yeast Products / Paris, France
World Association of Seaweed Processors / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1976
View all profiles (92 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialToxic blue-green algae in drinking water
Ergot of grain
Poisonous fungi
Fungi as pests
Loss of soil fungi
Poisonous algae
Threatened species of Phycophyta
Threatened species of Fungi
Heart rot fungi
Threatened coastal aquatic habitats with algal beds
Threatened species of Prokaryotae
Superficial fungal disease
Action Strategies relating to Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialCountering algal blooms
Researching fungi
Nurturing mycorrhizae
Studying algae
Studying bryophytes
Studying pathogenic fungi
Destroying pathogenic fungi
Monitoring toxic blue-green algae in drinking water
Treating damaging moulds
Studying fungal plant diseases
Studying seaweeds
Developing phycology
Cultivating mushrooms
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