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International Relations → Planetary Initiatives

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

Organizations relating to Planetary Initiatives

Association francophone européenne d'études baha'ies / Paris, France / Est. 1983
Product and Systems Internationalisation / Mühldorf-Inn, Germany / Est. 2002
World Union / Puducherry, India / Est. 1958
Worldwatch Institute / Est. 1974
Avaaz Foundation / New York NY, USA / Est. 2007
Terra Madre Foundation / Bra, Italy
The Elders Foundation / London, UK / Est. 2007
Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights / New York NY, USA / Est. 2014
The B Team / Est. 2013
Bridge Initiative International / Locmaria, France / Est. 2001
Dr Kiran C Patel Center for Global Solutions / Tampa FL, USA
Fondation du forum universale / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1989
Institute of Current World Affairs / Hanover NH, USA / Est. 1925
Una Terra Mondo di Tutti / Bergamo, Italy
Institute for Research on World Systems / Riverside CA, USA / Est. 2000
Observatory of Globalization / Barcelona, Spain
Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden / Bonn, Germany / Est. 1986
Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition / Hamilton ON, Canada / Est. 1998
Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences / Budapest, Hungary / Est. 1973
Institute for Globalization Studies and Social Movements, Moscow / Moscow, Russia / Est. 2002
World Government Institute / Burlington VT, USA / Est. 1998
Nouvelle Planète / Lausanne, Switzerland / Est. 1987
Centre tricontinental / Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium / Est. 1976
Shell Foundation / London, UK / Est. 2000
Liu Institute for Global Issues / Vancouver BC, Canada
Capri Institute for International Social Philosophy / Anacapri, Italy / Est. 1979
Fundación Internacional Planeta Libre / Caracas, Venezuela / Est. 1996
Blue Planet Project / Ottawa ON, Canada
Planetary Activation Organization / Pukalani HI, USA / Est. 1997
Planetary Movement Limited / Est. 2003
GLOBUS - Institute for Globalization and Sustainable Development / Tilburg, Netherlands / Est. 1998
Foundation for the Global Compact / New York NY, USA / Est. 2006
Heal The Planet - Global Organisation / Kampala, Uganda / Est. 2012
Institute for Intercontinental Cooperation, 1977 / Est. 1977
Action for World Federation / Est. 1946
International Committee of the United States of the World / Est. 1946
Comité pour une fédération européenne et mondiale / Est. 1944
International Movement / Est. 1969
American Movement for World Government / North Palm Beach FL, USA / Est. 1954
Operation Planet Love / Mexico City, Mexico
International Committee for a New Planet / San Francisco CA, USA / Est. 1973
World Council for Mundialization / Est. 1966
Planetary Stewardship
Better World Society International / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1985
Lester Pearson International / Est. 1985
World Congress for World Federation / Kolkata, India
Ewel Foundation for a Better World / Est. 1994
United Planetary Federation / Chicago IL, USA
Visions of the Planet / Bellingham WA, USA
United World-Everybody's World Association / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1986

View all profiles (286 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Planetary Initiatives

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Insensitivity to the plight of disadvantaged people
Inadequate models of socio-economic development
Conspiracy theories
Global shortage of funds
Shortage of fresh-water
International economic injustice
Globalization of consumerism
Elitist control of global economy
Internationalization of capitalist production
Vulnerability of environmental systems to globalization
Monopoly of the media
Unequal global distribution of economic growth
Male domination
Non-global priorities for use of world resources
Unequal global distribution of basic skills
Falling rate of carbon sequestration
Marginalization of countries through globalization
Governmental barriers to a global ethic
Transient global amnesia
Perverse globalization
Socially unaccountable global governance
Disparities in global distribution of communication resources and facilities
Failure of global-scale planning for expertise development
Global crisis

Action Strategies relating to Planetary Initiatives

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Developing international competence in population planning
Developing rainforest action plan
Developing global ethic
Promoting study of geographical problems
Conserving global marine biological diversity
Documenting world resources
Greening international institutions
Conserving global biodiversity
Developing international sustainable energy policy
Stabilizing world order
Studying global change
Promoting use of English as common global language
Improving global communications
Creating global sustainability
Forming transnational economy
Concluding new international agreements to achieve global sustainability
Producing planetary synthesis
Strengthening global non-governmental action
Enhancing international attitudinal integration
Forming transnational political interdependence
Strengthening global economic institutions
Developing compatible demographic data and global behavioural indicators
Developing global currency

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