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Societal Problems → Detention

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

Organizations relating to Detention

Asociación Internacional de Prisiones y Correcciones Capitulo Latinoamericano / Est. 2011
Comité international de Mauthausen / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1953
Comité international de Dachau / Herentals, Belgium / Est. 1958
Comité européen pour la prévention de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains ou dégradants / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1987
International Neuengamme Committee / Hamburg, Germany / Est. 1956
Nordic Contact Concerning State Building Activities / Copenhagen, Denmark / Est. 1962
International Committee Buchenwald Dora and Commandos / Montreuil, France / Est. 1952
Kairos Prison Ministry International / DeBary FL, USA / Est. 1976
Anarchist Black Cross Network / Est. 2001
International Union for the Protection of Industrial Property / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1883
American Outlaws Association / Est. 1935
Sports Rights Owners Coalition / London, UK
European Penitentiary Training Academies Network / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 2010
European Prison Litigation Network / Paris, France / Est. 2013
International Centre for Prison Studies, London / London, UK / Est. 1997
International Association of Former Soviet Political Prisoners and Victims of the Communist Regime / Brooklyn NY, USA / Est. 1992
Europese Organisatie ter Bescherming van de Rechtspositie van Gedetineerden / Arnhem, Netherlands / Est. 1992
Prison Watch International / Est. 1990
Prisonniers Sans Frontières / Paris, France / Est. 1995
Just Detention International / Los Angeles CA, USA / Est. 1980
Association of International Property Professionals / London, UK
Nordiska Fängelsefunktionärers Union
British Commonwealth Association of Prisoners' Aid Society / Est. 1951
International Prisoners' Aid Union / Est. 1894
Association pénitentiaire africaine
Asociatiei Internationale a Fostilor Detinuti Politici si Victimelor Communismului / Bucharest, Romania
Interallied Federation of Escapists in War / Est. 1928
Fédération des combattants alliés en Europe / Orroir, Belgium / Est. 1968
Fédération internationale des anciens prisonniers politiques du fascisme / Est. 1946
Consultative Committee for Reading Facilities for Prisoners of War and Internees / Est. 1940
Kula II Fund for the Pacific Region / Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea / Est. 1997
International Network of Prison Ministries / Costa Mesa CA, USA
International Prison Ministry / Costa Mesa CA, USA / Est. 1969
Fondation Auschwitz - Centre d'études et de documentation / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1980
Order of the Most Holy Trinity for the Redemption of Captives / Rome, Italy / Est. 1198
Convention Benelux en Matière de Propriété Intellectuelle / Est. 2005
Treaty on the Protection of Movable Property of Historic Value / Est. 1935
Central American Treaty for the Protection of Industrial Property / Est. 1968
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to the Immunity of State-owned Vessels / Est. 1926
Treaty Respecting Literary, Artistic and Industrial Property / Est. 1901
Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War / Est. 1949
Convention Concerning the Transfer to the French State of the Property in the Sites of British Monuments / Est. 1938
International Convention Against the Taking of Hostages / Est. 1979
Agreement on Literary and Artistic Property / Est. 1911
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Arrest of Sea-going Ships / London, UK / Est. 1952
Convention on Patents of Invention, Drawings and Industrial Models, Trademarks, and Literary and Artistic Property / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1906
Supplementary Convention Amending the Convention Concerning the Tenure and Disposal of Real and Personal Property / Est. 1936
Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 2003
International Convention on Arrest of Ships / London, UK / Est. 1999
Convention on the Avoidance of Double Taxation on Personal Income and Property / Est. 1977

View all profiles (284 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Detention

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Inadequate prison conditions and penal systems
Maltreatment of prisoners by fellow inmates
Discrimination against prisoners' families
Infringement of rights of prisoners
Failure to appear for trial after release
Ill treatment of prisoners of war
Prison suicides
Homosexuality in prisons
Denial of right of juvenile criminals to segregation from adult criminals
Abuse of prison labour
Misuse of psychiatric diagnosis
Non-repatriation of prisoners of war
Discriminatory treatment of foreign prisoners
Torture through confinement
Unfair competition from convict-made goods
Discriminatory bail conditions
Solitary confinement
Detention of family of testifiers
Aiding escape of prisoners of war or enemy aliens
Detention of refugees and asylum-seekers
Privatization of prisons
Non-settled refugees
Maltreatment of prisoners
Mentally ill prisoners

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