Commerce → Assessment
Organizations relating to Assessment
European Association of Psychological Assessment / Berlin, Germany / Est. 1990
West African Association for Environmental Assessment / Cotonou, Benin / Est. 2002
Association for Educational Assessment in Africa / Mbabane, Eswatini / Est. 1982
World Federation of Technical Assessment Organizations / Copenhagen, Denmark / Est. 1996
Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment / Windhoek, Namibia
Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance Partnership / Rome, Italy / Est. 2012
Capacity Development and Linkages for Environmental Assessment in Africa / Dar es Salaam, Tanzania UR
European Laboratory for Structural Assessment / Ispra, Italy
Africa Gender and Development Evaluators Network / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 2002
New Car Assessment Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean / Montevideo, Uruguay
HTAsiaLink / Seoul, Korea Rep
Red de Evaluación de Tecnologias en Salud de las Américas / Est. 2011
AAALAC International / Frederick MD, USA / Est. 1965
International Center for Technology Assessment / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1994
International Centre for Integrated Assessment and Sustainable Development / Maastricht, Netherlands
Central And Eastern European Society Of Technology Assessment In Health Care / Krakow, Poland / Est. 2003
Asociación Latinoamericana de Evaluadores de Proyectos
Asia-Pacific Association for Educational Assessment / Makati, Philippines
Eastern Africa Association for Impact Assessment / Est. 2001
International Society for Technology Assessment / Est. 1971
Regional Environmental Assessment Programme / Kathmandu, Nepal / Est. 1996
International Center for the Assessment of Higher Order Thinking / Tomales CA, USA
International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures
Convention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purposes / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1950
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context / Est. 1991
Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment / Est. 1990
Asia Pacific Institute of Environmental Assessment / Est. 1994
European Training and Assessment Foundation / Est. 1993
European Forum on Integrated Environmental Assessment / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 1997
ATAS Technology Assessment Network / Est. 1984
Nordic Network for Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Regional Development / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1999
International Academy of Toxicological Risk Assessment / Glenview IL, USA / Est. 1980
International Society of Fine Arts Appraisers / Est. 1979
Strategic Analysis Forecasting and Assessment Evaluation
Central and Eastern European Valuers Association Network
CENELEC Conformity Assessment Forum / Est. 1999
Forecasting and Assessment in the Field of Science and Technology / Est. 1978
Advanced Technology Assessment System / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1984
International Commission for Environmental Assessment
European Committee for Quality and Management System Assessment and Certification / Est. 1992
WHO Unit of Global Health Situation Assessment and Projections / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1948
European Technology Assessment Network / Brussels, Belgium
International Centre for Research on Assessment / London, UK
Industry Cooperation on Standards and Conformity Assessment / Est. 1996
APEC International Assessment Network / Monash VIC, Australia
Commonwealth Institute of Valuers / Est. 1926
Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium / Venice, Italy / Est. 2007
International Society of Impact Engineering
International Symposium on Impact Engineering / Est. 1992
European Parliamentary Technology Assessment / Berlin, Germany / Est. 1990
View all profiles (140 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Assessment
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialUnwillingness to risk loss of life
Distortionary tax systems
Inadequate capacity for technology assessment
Distortion of international trade by embargoes
Limited observance of fishing quotas
Limited observance of multilateral trade agreements
Unethical real estate practice
Circumvention of duties and assessments
Distortion of international trade by restrictive customs valuation practices
Action Strategies relating to Assessment
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialAssessing role of ecosystems in producing goods for sustainable development
Training environmental impact assessors
Conducting technology assessments
Undertaking environmental impact assessment of major coastal and marine area projects
Registering real estate professionals
Assessing development assistance
Determining acceptable risk
Monitoring desertification
Conducting environmental site assessment
Assessing risk
Evaluating poverty reduction programmes
Using life-cycle analysis
Studying global warming
Assessing organizational performance
Assessing environmental impacts
Studying consequences of migration
Assessing costs and financing to ensure integrated and adequate provision of environmental infrastructure
Informing about biodiversity issues
Assessing costs to support sustainable construction industry activities
Studying peace
Improving national staff for assessing desertification
Assessing costs and financing to improve urban health
Assessing biotechnologies for improving yields for aquatic species
Assessing financing costs of sustainable development
Assessing environmental impacts of growth of intermediate cities
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