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Communication → Influencing

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

Organizations relating to Influencing

Corporate Europe Observatory / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1997
Avaaz Foundation / New York NY, USA / Est. 2007
European Security Advocacy Group / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 2002
European Azerbaijan Society / Est. 2004
Influence Africa
European Institute for Public Affairs and Lobbying / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1994
Arab Society for Public Awareness from Dangerous Drugs and Narcotics / Amman, Jordan / Est. 1990
Club privé des Communautés européennes
Association contre la manipulation de l'histoire / Est. 1990
Kultura kaj Propaganda Institute
Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies / Est. 1940
Java Lobby / Cary NC, USA
International Council of Mediterranean Cinematic Manifestations / Milan, Italy / Est. 1994
Ministerial Lobby Group / Paris, France / Est. 1999
International Academy for Cultural Propaganda
Centre international de liaison des organismes de propagande en faveur du vin et des produits de la vigne / Paris, France
Caribbean Action Lobby / Brooklyn NY, USA / Est. 1980
Centre de propagande et d'aide au développement / Nivelles, Belgium
Shots Heard Round the World
Sisterhood Is Global Institute / New York NY, USA / Est. 1984
European Women's Lobby / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1990
eLabEurope / Getxo, Spain
Children's Rights Advocacy and Lobby Mission - Africa / Kampala, Uganda / Est. 2004
Prisma / Utrecht, Netherlands / Est. 2003
Justice & Peace Netherlands / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1972
International Security Association / Rietheim, Switzerland / Est. 1972
Coalition of European Lobbies on Eastern African Pastoralism / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2009
Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2005
Lie Detectors / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2017
Centre Contre les Manipulations Mentales / Paris, France / Est. 1981
Oomoto / Kyoto, Japan
Global Alliance for Rabies Control / Manhattan KS, USA / Est. 2006
International Maritime Pilots' Association / London, UK / Est. 1970
Council of Europe Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions / Est. 2014

View all profiles (38 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Influencing

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Antagonistic power blocs
Pattern of pernicious influence invading Lung in the body
Negative identifying slogans
Pattern of Heat pernicious influence in Qi and Blood simultaneously in the body
Manipulation of transfer prices by transnational corporations
Discriminatory religious influence on the law
Manipulative cults
Conspiracy theories
Financial manipulation by sects
Patterns of Wind pernicious influence in the body
Substance abuse during control of complex equipment
Photographic propaganda
Book propaganda
Intimidating practice of scientology
Undue political pressure
War and pre-war propaganda
Indoctrination by repetition
Propaganda by intergovernmental organizations
Theatre propaganda
Obstruction of administration of justice by undue influence
Undue military influence
Clandestine propaganda broadcasting
Foreign controls of newspaper and journal propaganda
Manipulative practices by the tobacco industries
Newspaper and journal propaganda

Action Strategies relating to Influencing

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Increasing public awareness about environmental laws
Manipulating stock markets
Influencing intergovernmental policy
Campaigning on solid waste management
Campaigning against hazardous waste disposal
Influencing through writing
Campaigning against the use of pesticides
Influencing media on humanitarian issues
Protesting against packaging waste
Developing codes of conduct for international business
Lobbying on environmental issues
Protesting sale of tropical timber
Opposing development of rivers
Improving NGO access to international policy debates
Designing techniques for analysis of integrated human development
Promoting transparency in trade
Strengthening primary health care systems to control communicable diseases
Recruiting agents of influence
Manipulating policy differences within countries
Expanding public awareness of environmental health hazards
Assessing influence of the age structure of population on sustainable development
Identifying benefits of biodiversity conservation

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