Transportation, Telecommunications → Vessels
Organizations relating to Vessels
Asian Dragon Boat Federation / Beijing, China / Est. 1992
World Hovercraft Federation / Remanzacco, Italy
European Hovercraft Federation / Haywards Heath, UK
Nordic Boat Council / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1969
Wayfarer International Committee / Oakville ON, Canada / Est. 1972
Centre international de lutte contre la pollution de l'Atlantique du Nord-Est / Lisbon, Portugal / Est. 1990
Nordic Ships' Officers Congress / Oslo, Norway / Est. 1910
Liberian Shipowners Council / New York NY, USA / Est. 1974
Okeanos Foundation for the Sea / Darmstadt, Germany / Est. 2007
Inter-American Escadrille / Est. 1935
International Multihull Society / Est. 1954
Båtbranchens Nordiska Samarbetskommitté
International Sailing Craft Association / Est. 1965
International Society of Corvette Owners / Orange City FL, USA / Est. 1993
Association du registre des bateaux du Rhin / Est. 1874
European Association of Ships in Bottles
International Ship Recycling Association / Rotterdam, Netherlands / Est. 2007
Arab Maritime Petroleum Transport Company / Safat, Kuwait / Est. 1972
OK-Dinghy International Association / Ringwood, UK / Est. 1964
Paddle Steamer Preservation Society / Godalming, UK / Est. 1959
Christar / Reading PA, USA / Est. 1930
Electric Boat Association of the Americas / Beaufort NC, USA / Est. 1990
Hospital Ship International / Toronto ON, Canada / Est. 1998
World Ocean and Cruise Liner Society / Stamford CT, USA / Est. 1980
World Ship Trust / London, UK / Est. 1979
International Model Power Boat Association / Huntsville AL, USA / Est. 1949
International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and other Floating Designs
International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles / Est. 1975
Amendments to the Protocol for the Prevention of Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft / Est. 1995
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to the Immunity of State-owned Vessels / Est. 1926
Convention Concerning the Simplification of the Inspection of Emigrants on Board Ship / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1926
Convention Concerning Minimum Standards in Merchant Ships / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1976
Convention Concerning Accommodation on Board Fishing Vessels / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1966
Convention for a Uniform System of Tonnage Measurement of Ships / Est. 1947
Agreement on Cooperation in the Technical Supervision and the Classification of Ships / Est. 1961
Convention Concerning the Certification of Ships' Cooks / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1946
Convention Relating to the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships / Est. 1934
Convention Regarding the Measurement and Registration of Vessels Employed in Inland Navigation / Est. 1956
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Arrest of Sea-going Ships / London, UK / Est. 1952
Convention Relating to Registration of Rights in Respect of Vessels under Construction / Est. 1967
Convention Concerning the Minimum Requirement of Professional Capacity for Masters and Officers on Board Merchant Ships / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1936
Convention Concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ship, 1949 / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1949
Convention Concerning the Protection Against Accidents of Workers Employed in Loading or Unloading Ships, 1929 / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1929
Convention on the Measurement of Inland Navigation Vessels / Est. 1966
International Convention Relative to the Status of Enemy Merchant Ships at the Outbreak of Hostilities / Est. 1907
International Convention on Arrest of Ships / London, UK / Est. 1999
Agreement Concerning Cooperation for the Saving of Human Lives and Assistance to Vessels and Aircraft in Distress in the Black Sea / Est. 1956
Convention Concerning Seafarers' Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1996
Convention on the Registration of Inland Navigation Vessels / Est. 1965
Convention Concerning Food and Catering for Crews on Board Ship / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1946
View all profiles (178 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Vessels
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialTransposition of the great vessels
Action Strategies relating to Vessels
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialEstablishing port facilities for collecting residues from ships
Monitoring marine pollution from ships
Minimizing incidental catch by fishing vessels on the high seas
Reducing risks of accidental pollution from cargo ships
Deterring reflagging of vessels to avoid fishing regulations
Training observers to be placed on fishing vessels
Improving compliance with international norms for discharges from ships
Reducing fishing fleet overcapacity
Acquiring additional marine vessels
Improving car ferry docks
Building sturdy trawler jetty
Introducing motorized fishing boats
Initiating commercial ferry system
Installing boat docking structures
Reducing number of shipping vessels
Preventing fouling and rust of marine equipment
Balancing international shipping fleets
Unbalancing international shipping fleets
Using pleasure boats
Developing national merchant fleets
Constructing ships
Measuring ships
Eliminating substandard ships
Studying naval vessels
Linking fleets
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