Fundamental Sciences → Liquid State
Organizations relating to Liquid State
International Association for Stability, Handling and Use of Liquid Fuels / Atlanta GA, USA / Est. 1986
European Society of Rheology / Gothenburg, Sweden / Est. 1996
European Two-Phase Flow Group / Rome, Italy / Est. 1963
Comité Regional de Recursos Hidraulicos del Istmo Centroamericano / San José, Costa Rica / Est. 1966
International Group for Hydraulic Efficiency Measurement / Horw, Switzerland / Est. 1995
Asian Fluid Mechanics Committee / Beijing, China / Est. 1980
International Marangoni Association / Vienna, Austria / Est. 2001
Fluid Power Net International / Est. 1998
Inter-State School of Hydraulic and Rural Engineering for Senior Technicians / Est. 1972
Hydraulique sans frontières / Chambéry, France / Est. 1990
Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, North and South America / Irvine CA, USA / Est. 1986
International Center for Urban Water Hydroinformatics Research and Innovation / Incheon, Korea Rep / Est. 2008
Civil Global Positioning System Service Interface Committee / Alexandria VA, USA
International Liquid Terminals Association / Arlington VA, USA
Association for Low Flow Anaesthesia / Manchester, UK / Est. 1995
Six Markets Group / Est. 1994
European Committee of Liquid Applied Waterproofing Systems
Inter-State Organization for Advanced Technicians of Hydraulics and Rural Equipment / Est. 1972
International Flow Visualization Society / Göttingen, Germany
Asian Network on Debris Flow / Chengdu, China
International Hydrodynamics Committee / Nantes, France / Est. 1991
IAGOD Commission on Thermodynamics of Ore Forming Fluids / Moscow, Russia
Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data / Montpellier, France
Great Lakes International Imaging and Flow Cytometry Association / Est. 1992
International Fluid Power Society / Cherry Hill NJ, USA / Est. 1960
European Liquid Roofing Association / Haywards Heath, UK / Est. 1979
International Symposium on Finite Element Methods in Flow Problems
International Conference on Physico-Chemical Hydrodynamics / New York NY, USA
International Conference on Liquid Metal Technology in Energy Production / Est. 1976
International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics
International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering
International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids
International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
International Conference on Advances in Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry / Est. 1957
International Workshop on Bubble and Drop Interfaces
European Conference on Fluid-Particle Separation
Convention Relating to the Development of Hydraulic Power Affecting More Than One State / Est. 1923
Agreement Concerning the Regulations of Lake Inari by Means of the Kaitakoski Hydro - Electric Power Station and Dam / Est. 1959
International Flow Aids Association / Neponset IL, USA / Est. 1982
International Research Centre on Hydraulic Machinery / Beijing, China / Est. 1986
International Federation of Hydraulic Platform Manufacturers / Est. 1977
Hydro-Québec international, Montréal / Montréal QC, Canada
European Liquid Stabilizers Association
European Network of Information Centres for Hydraulics-Environment and Water Resources
International Association of Cylindrical Hydraulic Engineers / Chickasaw AL, USA / Est. 1985
Major Interregional Project on Research and Training with a view to Integrated Management of Coastal Systems
International Society of Hydraulic Engineers
Confédération internationale professionnelle des distributeurs en carburants et combustibles liquides / Est. 1966
International Fluidics Service / Bedford, UK
Fluid Power Consultants International / Elm Grove WI, USA / Est. 1970
View all profiles (131 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Liquid State
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialInstability of freshwater supply
Water flow obstructions in watercourses
Reverse flow of financial aid
Environmental hazards from hydropower
Pulmonary oedema
Otitis media
Disharmonies of Fluids in the body
Ground failures due to liquefaction
Action Strategies relating to Liquid State
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialSustaining existing flow of materials
Reducing traffic congestion
Ensuring predictability in flow of funds contributed by developed countries to achieve global environment benefits
Developing electronic interfaces
Liquifying natural gas
Curbing flow of small arms
Modelling groundwater flow problems
Measuring water use
Bioengineering for natural resource conservation
Maintaining basic information flow
Promoting rapid water flow
Promoting international freedom of information
Facilitating produce market flow
Harnessing liquid fuels
Establishing safe traffic flow
Supplying public information
Acquiring outside money flow
Accelerating local monetary flow
Ensuring availability of basic reserves
Establishing stable produce flow
Guiding community monetary flow
Releasing enabling cash flow
Sharing cash flow benefits
Centralizing neighbourhood data flow
Releasing local money flow
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