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Fundamental Sciences → Gaseous State

Organizations relating to Gaseous State

International Confederation of Trade Unions of Workers in the Oil and Gas Industries, and Construction Workers in the Oil and Gas Complex / Moscow, Russia / Est. 1992
International Society for Inhaled Medical Gases and Therapies / Est. 2001
Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas / Uppsala, Sweden
International Information Centre for Natural Gas and Gaseous Hydrocarbons / Rueil-Malmaison, France / Est. 1961
INOGATE Programme / Kiev, Ukraine / Est. 1996
Oil and Gas Climate Initiative / Est. 2014
Prototype Carbon Fund / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1999
EURODIF Corporation / Est. 1973
Global Gas Processors Alliance / Tulsa OK, USA
Oil and Gas Industry Energy Access Platform / Vienna, Austria
Gas Technology Institute / Des Plaines IL, USA / Est. 1941
Southern Africa Compressed Gases Association / Eden Glen, South Africa / Est. 1999
Association of European Manufacturers of Industrial Gas Turbines / Est. 1997
Association des fabricants européens de chauffe-eau à accumulation au gaz / Est. 1975
Intergovernmental Council for Oil and Gas / Moscow, Russia / Est. 1993
Nordic Oil and Gas Firing Union / Ljungby, Sweden
Scandinavian Association of Vacuum Field Energy
Atlantic Gas Research Exchange / Est. 1967
Organization of Gas Producing Countries / Est. 2007
Oil Gas Safety Council / Est. 2011
Arab Maritime Petroleum Transport Company / Safat, Kuwait / Est. 1972
Arab Drilling and Workover Company / Tripoli, Libya / Est. 1980
WMO World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 1990
Programa Latinoamericano del Carbono / Caracas, Venezuela / Est. 1999
Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association / Arlington VA, USA
Association of Vacuum Equipment Manufacturers International / Albuquerque NM, USA / Est. 1969
International Conference on Vacuum Metallurgy
Agreement on the Implementation of a European Concerted Action Project in the Field of Metallurgy on the Topic - Materials for Gas Turbines / Est. 1971
Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare / Est. 1925
Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds on Their Transboundary Fluxes / Est. 1991
International Oil and Gas Educational Center, Richardson TX / Richardson TX, USA / Est. 1959
Jet-Club International / Est. 1973
CMEA Coordinating Centre for Highly Effective Uses of Gas and Equipment
European Biomass Gasification Network / Est. 2001
International Centre for Gas Technology Information / Est. 1995
FACE Foundation / Arnhem, Netherlands / Est. 1990
European Air Chemistry Network
Société du Maghreb arabe pour le transport du gaz naturel, Tripoli / Est. 1988
Eurasian Hydrocarbons Centre / Est. 1992
International Bar Association - Section on Energy and Natural Resources Law / Est. 1983
European Regulators Group for Electricity and Gas / Est. 2003
WMO-ICSU-UNEP Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases / Est. 1985
Energistics Consortium / Est. 1990
International Society of Water Jet Technology / Est. 1990
European Public Service Union - JET / Est. 1979
European Oil and Gas Electronic Data Interchange Group
Cities for Climate Protection Campaign
Comité international permanent des gaz industriels
Underground Gasification Europe
International Association for Bridge Aerodynamics

View all profiles (128 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Gaseous State

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
Pollution by aircraft
Methane gas emissions from landfill sites
Chlorofluorocarbons as an environmental hazard
Disposal of pollutants from chimney scrubbers
Ethical vacuum
Industrial air emissions
Environmental hazards from coal conversion plants
Soil compaction
Industrial gas monopolies
Increase in concentration of atmospheric water vapour
Indiscriminate use of tear gas
Volcanic gases

Action Strategies relating to Gaseous State

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Using fossil fuel more efficiently
Deacidifying flue gases
Overcoming obstacles to international action on greenhouse gases
Developing policy on climate change
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Gasifying coal
Reducing methane emissions from petroleum production
Reducing emissions of halogenated gases
Establishing global greenhouse trading system
Identifying petroleum resources
Setting targets for reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases
Using methane emissions from landfill sites for energy
Using natural gas
Identifying sources and sinks for greenhouse gases
Transferring petroleum technology
Developing natural gas resources
Removing sulphur oxides from industrial emissions
Researching gas industry
Harnessing gaseous fuels
Providing effective bio-gas source
Producing atmosphere-destabilizing gases
Reducing production of atmosphere-destabilizing gases
Developing electricity, gas, water and sanitary services
Improving public utilities in urban areas
Increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

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