Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Sustainable Cities & Communities

Goal 11 is about making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

Cities represent the future of global living. The world’s population reached 8 billion on 2022 over half living in urban areas. This figure is only expected to rise, with 70 per cent of people expected to live in cities by 2050. Approximately 1.1 billion people currently live in slums or slum-like conditions in cities, with 2 billion more expected in the next 30 years.

However many of these cities are not ready for this rapid urbanisation, and it outpaces the development of housing, infrastructure and services, which led to a rise in slums or slum-like conditions.

Urban sprawl, air pollution and limited open public spaces persist in cities.

Good progress has been made since the implementation of the SDGs began in 2015, and now the number of countries with national and local disaster risk reduction strategies has doubled. But issues still remain and in 2022, only half of the urban population had convenient access to public transport.

Sustainable development cannot be achieved without significantly transforming the way urban spaces are built and managed.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Bureau of International Recycling

BIR 1948 Brussels Belgium C t

Burn Survivors Throughout the World

BSTTW 2001 Sarasota FL USA N

Busan Foundation for International Cooperation

BFIC 2005 Busan Korea Rep G

Business Ethics Network of Africa

BEN-Africa 1999 Stellenbosch South Africa F

Butterfly Conservation Europe

BCE 2004 Wageningen Netherlands F

Buy Nothing Project

2013 F v


2005 London UK F

CAADFutures Foundation

1985 Eindhoven Netherlands F f

Cairns Group

1986 F g

Camphill Movement

1939 Edinburgh UK F

Canadian Consortium on Asia Pacific Security

CANCAPS Edmonton AB Canada N

Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief

CPAR 1984 Ottawa ON Canada G

CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium

CAR 2 CAR 2002 Braunschweig Germany D

Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance


Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum

CSLF 2003 Washington DC USA F g

Caretakers of the Environment International

CEI 1986 F

Caribbean Action Plan

CAR 1981 Kingston Jamaica F g

Caribbean Agricultural Health and Food Safety Agency

CAHFSA 2010 Paramaribo Suriname D g

Caribbean Alliance for Sustainable Tourism

CAST 1997 Coral Gables FL USA E

Caribbean ASEAN Voluntary Council for Sustainable Development Goals

Caribbean ASEAN Council J

Caribbean Association of Housing Finance Institutions

CASHFI 1984 Kingston Jamaica D

Caribbean Aviation Safety and Security Oversight System

CASSOS 2008 Kingston Jamaica F g

Caribbean Chamber of Commerce in Europe

CCCE 2019 Brussels Belgium E t

Caribbean Conservation Association

CCA 1967 D

Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation

CARILEC 1988 Castries St Lucia F

Caribbean Environment Programme

CEP Kingston Jamaica E g

Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation

CFPA 1971 F

Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association

CHTA 1959 Fort Lauderdale FL USA D

Caribbean Information System for the Agricultural Sciences

CAGRIS St Augustine Trinidad-Tobago F g

Caribbean Network of Fisherfolk Organisations

CNFO 2004 F

Caribbean News Agency

CANA 1976 St Michael Barbados F e

Caribbean School of Architecture

CSA 1988 Kingston Jamaica N

Caribbean Society of Hotel Association Executives

CSHAE 1985 Coral Gables FL USA D

Caribbean Tourism Organization

CTO 1989 St Michael Barbados D g

Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition

CVC 2004 Kingston Jamaica F

CARICOM Implementation Agency for Crime and Security

IMPACS 2006 Port-of-Spain Trinidad-Tobago D g

Caring and Living As Neighbours

CLAN 2004 Toronto NSW Australia G

Caritas International, Belgium

1948 Brussels Belgium G

Carlos Slim Foundation

1986 N f

Carmelite NGO

New Orleans LA USA E

Carpathian Ecoregion Initiative

CERI 1999 Bratislava Slovakia F

Carsharing Association


Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

2000 Montréal QC Canada T g

Catalyst 2030

2020 Haarlem Netherlands J y

Catholic Office for Emergency Relief and Refugees

COERR 1978 Bangkok Thailand G

Catholic Relief Services

CRS 1943 Baltimore MD USA F

Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa

CYNESA 2012 Nairobi Kenya F

CBR Africa Network

CAN 2002 Kampala Uganda F

CBR Asia-Pacific Network

CBR AP Network Bangkok Thailand F

CBR Global Network

2012 Bangalore India F y
