Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 4: Quality Education

Quality Education

Progress towards quality education was already slower than required before the pandemic, but COVID-19 has had devastating impacts on education, causing learning losses in four out of five of the 104 countries studied.

Without additional measures, an estimated 84 million children and young people will stay out of school by 2030 and approximately 300 million students will lack the basic numeracy and literacy skills necessary for success in life.

In addition to free primary and secondary schooling for all boys and girls by 2030, the aim is to provide equal access to affordable vocational training, eliminate gender and wealth disparities, and achieve universal access to quality higher education.

Education is the key that will allow many other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved. When people are able to get quality education they can break from the cycle of poverty.

Education helps to reduce inequalities and to reach gender equality. It also empowers people everywhere to live more healthy and sustainable lives. Education is also crucial to fostering tolerance between people and contributes to more peaceful societies.

To deliver on Goal 4, education financing must become a national investment priority. Furthermore, measures such as making education free and compulsory, increasing the number of teachers, improving basic school infrastructure and embracing digital transformation are essential.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Internationale des Forums - Ecole de Psychanalyse des Forum du Champ Lacanien

1998 Paris France E

Internationale des organisations culturelles ouvrières

IDOCO 1926 Hannover Germany F

Internationale Deutschlehrerverband / Der

IDV 1968 Pisa Italy C

Internationale Forschungsgemeinschaft für Bioelektronische Funktionsdiagnostik und Therapie

1971 Herxheim Germany G

Internationale Gesellschaft der Feuerbach Forscher

1987 Münster Germany E v

Internationale Gesellschaft für Elektrosmog-Forschung

IGEF 1990 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Spain N

Internationale Gesellschaft für Schulbuch- und Bildungsmedienforschung

IGSBi 1997 Augsburg Germany D

Internationale Gesellschaft zur Erforschung und Förderung der Blasmusik

IGEB 1974 Oberschützen Austria D

Internationale Hegel-Vereinigung

1962 Berlin Germany E

Internationale Hugo-Wolf-Akademie für Gesang - Dichtung - Liedkunst

1898 Stuttgart Germany N

Internationale Jeugduitwisseling

IJU 1958 Arnhem Netherlands N

Internationale Kommunikation und Kultur

INTERKOM Bonn Germany G

Internationale School voor Caycédiaanse Sofrologie

ISCASOF Lokeren Belgium N

Internationale School voor Wijsbegeerte

ISVW 1916 Leusden Netherlands N

Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik

IVG 1951 Graz Austria C v

Internationaler Hilfsfonds

IH Brussels Belgium G f

Internationales Bildungs- und Begegnungswerk

IBB 1986 Dortmund Germany G

Internationales Forum Burg Liebenzell

Bad Liebenzell Germany N

Internationales Sachsensymposion - Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Archäologie der Sachsen und ihrer Nachbarvölker in Nordwesteuropa

Internationales Sachsensymposion 1949 Braunschweig Germany E c

Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training - Conference

IntEnt 1991 Östrich-Winkel Germany S

Internet Names Authorization and Information Center


Internet Research Task Force

IRTF Kirchheim unter Teck Germany E

Internet Society

ISOC 1992 Reston VA USA F


IR 1992 Seoul Korea Rep F vy

Interski International

INTERSKI 1951 St Anton am Arlberg Austria B


1992 Rome Italy G


1971 Moscow Russia C g

Interuniversity Benelux Group of Transport Economists

1978 Ghent Belgium F

Interuniversity Centre for Scandinavian Studies, Ghent

ICSS 1991 Ghent Belgium G

Interuniversity Research Centre on Southern Europe

1999 Florence Italy G

Inuvialuit Regional Corporation

IRC 1984 Inuvik NT Canada N

Inventors Workshop International Education Foundation

IWIEF 1971 Santa Barbara CA USA N f


1900 Toronto ON Canada G

IP Justice

San Francisco CA USA G

IP Multimedia Subsystems Forum

IMS Forum 1999 Lone Tree CO USA G

IPADE Business School

1967 Mexico City Mexico G

IPLI Foundation

2011 Brussels Belgium J f

IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence

IREG Observatory 2009 Warsaw Poland E

IREX Europe

2004 Lyon France E

Irish Council for International Students

ICOS 1970 Dublin Ireland G

Irish in Europe Association

IEAI 2011 Brussels Belgium G

Irish Texts Society

ITS 1898 London UK N v

ISEA International

1990 Brighton UK D

ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute

ISEAS 1968 Singapore Singapore G j

ISG International School of Business

1967 Paris France N

ISIC Association

1968 Amsterdam Netherlands E

Isis Internacional, Santiago de Chile

1984 F

Isis Women's International Cross Cultural Exchange

ISIS-WICCE 1974 Kampala Uganda F

Islamic Aid

London UK N

Islamic Call College

1974 F
