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This information is part of the Open Yearbook, a free service of UIA's subscription-based Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO). It includes profiles of non-profit organizations working worldwide in all fields of activity. The information contained in the profiles and search functionality of this free service are limited.
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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).
Contact Details
More detailed data available with paid subscription.
Available with paid subscription only.Aims
Facilitate implementation of NGO programmes; provide information and training on relevant issues; promote critical dialogue on food aid (FA) and food security (FS) policies between NGOs and institutional donors.
21 past events available with paid subscription only.Activities
Available with paid subscription only.Structure
Available with paid subscription only.Languages
Available with paid subscription only.Staff
Available with paid subscription only.Finance
Available with paid subscription only.Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations
Links with: E-XE2442 - European Commission (EC); F-XF0667 - European Parliament (EP); E-XE3016 - UNHCR; WFP.
Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
Member of: D-XD9230 - Confédération européenne des ong d'urgence et de développement (CONCORD). Links with a large number of national and international organizations, including:
- G-XG0885 - Action Children Aid;
- N-XN0638 - Appel détresse;
- U-XG9811 - AQUADEV;
- U-XN0668 - Asociación para la Cooperación con el Sur - Las Segovias (ACSUR);
- G-XG9907 - Association Aide au Tiers-Monde (ATM);
- U-XG5780 - Associazione per la Partecipazione allo Sviluppo (APS);
- G-XG5799 - AVSI Foundation;
- G-XG2524 - Bread for the World Institute (BFW Institute);
- F-XD0201 - Brothers to All Men (BAM);
- G-XN4596 - Build Africa;
- F-XF8357 - Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF);
- G-XG7753 - Comité Catholique contre la Faim et pour le Développement-Terre Solidaire (CCFD-Terre Solidaire);
- G-XN7834 - Centre for Integrated Regional Development Bwamanda-Belgium (Congodorpen);
- F-XE0590 - Centre international d'études, de recherche, d'action pour le développement et prévention des conflicts (CINTERAD-PRECO);
- G-XG6332 - Centre régional d'intervention pour la coopération, Reggio Calabria;
- G-XN0325 - Centro Internazionale Crocevia (CIC);
- G-XG6320 - Civil Volunteer Group;
- G-XG8197 - Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti (COSPE);
- G-XG6453 - Coordinating Committee of the Organization for Voluntary Service;
- G-XG1663 - Danish Refugee Council (DRC);
- F-XF3233 - Dorcas;
- G-XG6629 - Food and Agricultural Research Management (FARM-Africa);
- G-XG4642 - France Volontaires;
- G-XG0703 - Fundación CODESPA;
- G-XG6380 - GOAL;
- U-XE2767 - HelpAge International - Europe;
- U-XG1189 - International Childcare Trust (ICT);
- F-XF3242 - International Confederation of the Society of St Vincent-de-Paul;
- G-XG7885 - INTERSOS;
- G-XG3909 - Jesus Alive Ministries International;
- E-XE4405 - Médecins du Monde - International (MDM);
- E-XE2198 - Mission d'aide au développement des économies rurales afghanes (MADERA);
- R-XR2032 - Missionaries of Charity;
- G-XG2108 - Movement for Peace, Disarmament and Freedom;
- G-XN0683 - Enraíza Derechos;
- G-XG4008 - Oikos - Cooperação e Desenvolvimento (Oikos);
- G-XG3071 - Oxfam Novib;
- U-XN8246 - Première urgence;
- G-XG0800 - Projektgroep voor Technische Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (PROTOS);
- G-XG4212 - Ricerca e Cooperazione (RC);
- U-XN3250 - Solidaridad Internacional (SI);
- G-XG1607 - Terra Nuova;
- G-XG3183 - Triangle génération humanitaire (TGH);
- G-XG2642 - United Purpose (UP);
- E-XE1957 - VIA Don Bosco;
- G-XN1432 - Youth Third World;
- G-XG3628 - ZOA.
Available with paid subscription only.Members
Available with paid subscription only.Type I Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Type II Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Subjects *
- Social Activity → Nongovernmental
- Living Conditions → Food
- Living Conditions → Food Security
- Commerce → Finance
- Societal Problems → Emergencies
- Development → Aid
- Peace → Humanitarian
UN Sustainable Development Goals **
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.
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