Publish What You Pay Coalition (PWYP)
Publiez ce que vous payez (PCQVP)
Publiquen Lo Que Pagan (PLQP)
Publique o que Paga (POQP)
Публикуй, что платишь (ПЧП)
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This information is part of the Open Yearbook, a free service of UIA's subscription-based Yearbook of International Organizations (YBIO). It includes profiles of non-profit organizations working worldwide in all fields of activity. The information contained in the profiles and search functionality of this free service are limited.
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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).
Contact Details
URL: https://www.pwyp.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PublishWhatYouPay/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pwyptweets
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/publishwhatyoupay
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIhN-VFRuF2Ec1zsq1nCDFA
Available with paid subscription only.Aims
Advocate for transparency and accountability in the gas, oil and mining industry so that revenues form the basis for development and improve the lives of citizens in resource-rich countries.
2 past events available with paid subscription only.Structure
Available with paid subscription only.Registrations
Available with paid subscription only.Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
Signatories to the 'Publish What You Pay' appeal, national and international organizations (84), including the following organizations listed in this Yearbook:
- U-XJ5528 - Acçao para o Desenvolvimento Pesquisa e Cooperação Internacional, Angola (ADPCI);
- U-XJ5530 - Africa Centre for Constitutional Development, Nigeria;
- U-XG9712 - African Oil Policy Initiative Group (AOPIG);
- B-XB0054 - Amnesty International (AI);
- D-XD8616 - Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens;
- G-XN3002 - Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT);
- F-XF0493 - Catholic Relief Services (CRS);
- F-XF5785 - CEE Bankwatch Network;
- G-XG7322 - Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR);
- G-XG1119 - Christian Aid;
- G-XG9142 - Concern for Development Initiatives in Africa (ForDIA);
- F-XF4299 - Friends of the Earth International (FoEI);
- F-XF2418 - Human Rights Watch (HRW);
- F-XG4921 - IMPACT;
- B-XD1841 - International Federation for Human Rights;
- G-XG3289 - medico international;
- F-XF7191 - Network for African Peace-Builders (NAPS);
- F-XF4447 - Oxfam International;
- G-XG3071 - Oxfam Novib;
- G-XN0293 - Public Eye;
- F-XD4112 - Save the Children International;
- G-XG6352 - Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF);
- G-XG6365 - Secours catholique - Caritas France;
- G-XM6745 - Sherpa;
- F-XD5552 - SOLIDAR;
- G-XG5271 - Tearfund, UK;
- G-XG9713 - West African NGO Network (WANGONeT).
Partner of: F-XJ2225 - Actions for Genuine Democratic Alternatives (AGENDA). Links with: F-XM4529 - Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI); F-XC3084 - Pax Christi - International Catholic Peace Movement. Links indicated by: G-XJ8797 - Leadership Initiative for Transformation and Empowerment (LITE-Africa).
Available with paid subscription only.Members
Available with paid subscription only.Type I Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Subjects *
- Fundamental Sciences → Gaseous State
- Resources → Petroleum
- Social Activity → Employment Conditions
- Communication → Publishing
- Industry → Mining
- Peace → Responsibility
UN Sustainable Development Goals **
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.
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