UIA Newsroom
News from sources other than the UIA. International organizations listed in the Yearbook of International Organizations, and UIA's members may add their own public news items.
Note: The UIA reserves the right to remove any posts it deems inappropriate for this list, for example commercial ads.
The contents to be addressed in this Eighth Workshop are structured in conferences and round tables aimed at identifying the emerging threats of microplastics with their potential effect on health, environment and climate change, promoting applied research, circular economy and favoring the development of sustainable chemistry as a strategy to mitigate.
Associate professor Katri Lindfors has been in the organizing committee of numerous Tampere Celiac Disease symposia, and she is a board member in the International Society for the Study of Celiac Disease (ISSCD).
“It’s only Busan to make it happen.”
Busan, a maritime city that boasts MICE!
European Association Summit 2022
Brussels & Online, 3-4-5 May 2022
Come and join us in Brussels, the world’s leading capital for international associations, to be inspired, connected and empowered to be even better - together.
European Association Summit 2022
Brussels & Online, 3-4-5 May 2022
Come and join us in Brussels, the world’s leading capital for international associations, to be inspired, connected and empowered to be even better - together.