International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Nordic Association of English Studies

NAES 1980 E XE1601

Nordic Association of Vineyard Churches

1992 E XJ3626

Nordic Centre for Medieval Studies

NCMS 2005 Bergen Norway E XM3618

Nordic Centre Youth

NCY 1975 E XE1828

Nordic Children's and Youth Committee

NORDBUK 1976 Copenhagen Denmark E g XE2908

Nordic Collaboration Group for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

NordCAP 1986 Aalborg Denmark E c XE4643

Nordic Committee for Coordination of Electrical Safety Matters

1963 Tønsberg Norway E g XD5795

Nordic Contact Concerning State Building Activities

1962 Copenhagen Denmark E g XD8190

Nordic Dairy Technology Council

2015 Odense Denmark E XM6266

Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration

NeIC 2003 Oslo Norway E XJ8558

Nordic Energy Research

1999 Oslo Norway E XE3715

Nordic Filtration Society

NoFS 1995 Kinna Sweden E XE3709

Nordic Forest Research Cooperation Committee

1972 Alnarp Sweden E g XD5798

Nordic Information for Gender Knowledge

NIKK 1995 Gothenburg Sweden E XE2620

Nordic Innovation

Oslo Norway E g XE3472

Nordic Institute of Mission and Ecumenical Research

NIME 1975 Stavanger Norway E j XM0182

Nordic Institute of Navigation

1983 E j XE3900

Nordic Joint Advisory Group on Refugee Policy

1986 E g XE1532

Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural and Food Research

1965 Lomma Sweden E g XD5557

Nordic Latin American Research Network

NOLAN Stockholm Sweden E XM1178

Nordic Lawyers Academy

E XM2608

Nordic Medico-Statistical Committee

NOMESCO 1966 Copenhagen Denmark E g XE8054

Nordic Network for Adult Learning

2005 Aarhus Denmark E XJ2417

Nordic NIAS Council

NNC 1968 Copenhagen Denmark E XJ0563

Nordic Respiratory Academy

NORA 2003 E v AA2519
