International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

New Chaucer Society

St Louis MO USA E XE3389

New Development Bank

NDB 2014 Shanghai China E g AA1016

New European Media

NEM Initiative Heidelberg Germany E XJ1912

New European Surgical Academy

NESA 2004 Berlin Germany E XM2050

New Humanity

1987 Rome Italy E XF6839

New Partnership for Africa's Development

NEPAD 2001 Johannesburg South Africa E g XK2193

New York NGO Committee on Drugs

NYNGOC 1984 New York NY USA E y XE1018


2005 Brussels Belgium E y XJ5631

NGO Alliance on Global Concerns and Values

NGO Alliance E y XM4831

NGO Committee for Disarmament, Geneva

1969 Geneva Switzerland E y XE4377

NGO Committee on Ageing, Geneva

2001 E XK2225

NGO Committee on Ageing, New York

1977 New York NY USA E y XD4029

NGO Committee on Ageing, Vienna

E XE0556

NGO Committee on Development, Geneva

1994 E XE1388

NGO Committee on Disarmament, Peace and Security, New York NY

1969 New York NY USA E y XE5920

NGO Committee on Financing for Development, New York

Belleville IL USA E y XJ2168

NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Geneva

2002 E y XK2227

NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief, New York NY

1991 New York NY USA E y XE3149

NGO Committee on Mental Health, New York NY

New York NY USA E XE2217

NGO Committee on Migration, New York

2006 New York NY USA E XM4523

NGO Committee on Peace, Vienna

Vienna Austria E XE2219

NGO Committee on Social Development

New York NY USA E XE3705

NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns

CSVGC 2002 E y XE4445

NGO Committee on Sustainable Development, New York

Bronx NY USA E XE1643

NGO Committee on Sustainable Development, Vienna

1994 E XE4542
