International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

St Ansgar's Scandinavian Catholic League

SASCL 1910 New York NY USA U x XG0059

St Galler Zentrum für Zukunftsforschung

SGZZ 1968 U d XN1125

St Louis Latin America Solidarity Committee

LASC 1978 U x XN0395

St Petersburg International Commercial Arbitration Court

SPICAC 1997 St Petersburg Russia U x XQ2988

Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe

1999 U dgy XF6140

Staff Association for the Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa

1977 Addis Ababa Ethiopia U vx XE1624

Staff Association of the WHO Regional Office for Africa

Brazzaville Congo Brazzaville U vx XE1623

Stahlhelm - Kampfbund für Europa

U s XU6366

Stamp Club International

SCI 1985 Midlothian TX USA U x XN3869

Standardized European Local Accounts

SELA U dg XF7066

Standards Association of Central Africa

1951 U n XD5161

Standing Committee for Africa

Nairobi Kenya U x XG8065

Standing Committee of European National Groups and Linguistic Minorities

1986 U dv XK0164

Standing Committee of European Port Employers Associations

1971 U d XE0649

Standing Committee of European Science Research Councils

ESRC 1972 U d XE6310

Standing Committee of International Theatre Organizations

U dy XE6074

Standing Committee of Ministers of the Caribbean Community and Common Market Responsible for Information

1991 Georgetown Guyana U dg XK0357

Standing Committee of Ministers Responsible for Agriculture

SCMA 1973 U dg XE6763

Standing Committee of Ministers Responsible for Education and Culture

1973 U dg XE6760

Standing Committee of Ministers Responsible for Energy, Mines and Natural Resources

U dg XE6764

Standing Committee of Ministers Responsible for Finance

U dg XE6769

Standing Committee of Ministers Responsible for Foreign Affairs

SCMFA U dg XE6762

Standing Committee of Ministers Responsible for Industry

1973 U dgt XE6767

Standing Committee of Ministers Responsible for Labour

U dg XE6761

Standing Committee of Ministers Responsible for Legal Affairs

SCMLA 1973 U dg XE6770
