International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Standing Committee of Ministers Responsible for Science and Technology

1973 U dg XE3034

Standing Committee of Ministers Responsible for Tourism

1973 U dg XE3025

Standing Committee of Ministers Responsible for Transportation

SCMT 1976 U dg XE6766

Standing Committee of Nordic Motor Organizations

U s XU1240

Standing Committee of Police in Europe

SCOPE 1993 U d XE4326

Standing Committee of Presidents of International NGOs Concerned with Mental Health Issues

1996 Montréal QC Canada U xy XE3203

Standing Committee of the African Conference on International Law and African Problems

U d XD5234

Standing Committee on Life and Environmental Sciences

LESC 1995 U d XE2478

Standing Committee on Physical and Engineering Sciences

PESC 1995 U d XE2479

Standing Committee on Responsibility and Ethics in Science

SCRES 1996 U dv XE2839

Standing Committee on Scholarships for African Refugees

U d XG2840

Standing Committee on Youth for the Asian-Pacific Region

U dg XE1162

Standing Conference of Atlantic Organizations

SCAO 1973 London UK U x XC8321

Standing Conference of Jews, Christians and Muslims in Europe

JCM Bendorf-Rhein Germany U x XN3782

Standing Conference of National Science and Technology Policy-Making Bodies in Latin America and the Caribbean

Montevideo Uruguay U cx XF5219

Standing Conference of Pacific Librarians

SCOPAL 1979 U x XU9978

Standing Conference on Racial Equality in Europe

SCORE U x XF2893

Standing Consultative Committee of Youth Hostel Associations within the EEC

U d XE6445

Standing Council for Central and East European Jewry

1990 U d XE2139

Standing EEC Committee of the International Soap, Detergent and Maintenance Products Industry Association

1958 U dt XE3289

Standing Liaison Committee of Physiotherapists of the EU

SLCP 1979 U d XE0509

Standing Naval Force Channel


Standing Representative Committee for Medical Laboratory Technology in the European Economic Community

1973 U d XE3716

Standing Technological Conference of European Local Authorities

STECLA 1983 U d XF0307

Stanford Center for International Cooperation in Space

CICS U d XM0701
