International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Special Committee for Consultation and Negotiation

CECON 1970 U dg XE0532

Special Committee for the International Biological Programme

SCIBP 1963 U d XH3262

Special Committee for the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction

SC-IDNDR 1990 U dv XE1607

Special Committee for the International Geophysical Year

1953 U d XE6126

Special Committee for the International Years of the Quiet Sun

IQSY Committee 1962 U d XH3263

Special Committee on Science in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union

COMSCEE 1990 U d XK1090

Special Committee on Toxic Waste Disposal

TOWD 1984 U d XE1136

Special Commonwealth African Assistance Plan

SCAAP 1960 U dg XF5220

Special Commonwealth Fund for Mozambique

SCFM 1987 U dfg XK0275

Special Court for Sierra Leone

SCSL 2002 U dg XF6630

Special Emergency Programme for the Horn of Africa

SEPHA New York NY USA U gx XK0464

Special Fund for Crediting Works in the Economic and Technical Development of the Developing Countries

U dfg XF2480

Special Fund for the Promotion of Exports

U dfg XF4486

Special Fund to Finance Programmes for Rendering Economic and Technical Assistance to Developing Countries

1973 Moscow Russia U fgx XF2552

Special Measures Fund for Least-Developed Countries

1973 U dfg XF4273

Special Multilateral Fund of the Inter-American Council for Education, Science and Culture

FEMCIECC 1968 Washington DC USA U fgx XF7232

Special Non Aligned Fund for SWAPO

U fgx XU6891

Special Pre-Accession Assistance for Agriculture and Rural Development

SAPARD 2000 U dg XK2020

Special Programme for African Agricultural Research

SPAAR 1985 U dy XF2477

Special Telecommunications Action for Regional Development

STAR U dg XK0119

Special Trans-Border Euregional Healthcare Committee Meuse-Rhine

1993 U d XU2437

Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development

SUNFED U dfg XF2075

Special World Geophysical Centre, Tartu

SWGC 1965 U x XU0342

Speciality Paper Manufacturers Association

PaperImpact 2004 Brussels Belgium U d XM2143

Specialized Committee for Fishing Cooperatives in the EEC

1966 U d XE0919
