International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Islamic Relief Agency

ISRA 1981 U d XF0530

Islamic Research Centre, Jerusalem

1987 Jerusalem Israel U x XG3878

Islamic Research Collection and Research Centre

1983 U s XU1300

Islamic Research Foundation

1988 Louisville KY USA U fx XN6349

Islamic Rights Movement

IRM Leicester UK U x XN5326

Islamic Science Support Fund

U dfp XU8212

Islamic Scientific and Technological Information Centre

U dp XU8208

Islamic Shipping Company

U eps XU1171

Islamic Society for International Unity and Peace

ISIUP Karachi Pakistan U x XG1224

Islamic Solidarity Conference in Science and Technology

U ps XU2239

Islamic Thought Foundation

1984 Teheran Iran Islamic Rep U fx XN2806

Islamic University - Medinah Munawwarah

1961 Medina Saudi Arabia U x XG8056

Islamic University of Science and Technology

U dp XU8211

Islamic Welfare Organization

U ps XU7984

Islamic World Council of Disability and Rehabilitation

ICDR 1996 Riyadh Saudi Arabia U x XE3881

Islamic World Institute of Strategic Studies

U js XU9672

Islamic World Studies Centre

IWSC 1990 Valletta Malta U x XG7681

Islamic Youth Council

Lahore Pakistan U x XN5359

Islamische Europese Organisatie voor Liefdadigheids- en Humanitaire Werken in België

Al Khayria Brussels Belgium U x XN5005

Island Resources Foundation

1972 U df XN2276

Israel Peace Research Society

Tel Aviv Israel U x XG2328

Israeli Association of Slavic and East European Studies

IASEES Tel Aviv Israel U x XG6670

Israeli Committee for Mordechai Vanunu

Jerusalem Israel U x XE3151

Israeli Consortium of International Studies

Jerusalem Israel U x XG4614

Israeli Institute for the Study of International Affairs

IISIA 1963 Tel Aviv Israel U jx XG4931
