International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

IUCr International Commission on Crystallographic Studies at Controlled Pressures and Temperatures

U d XE7162

IUGG Committee for Developing Countries

1975 U d XE1060

IUGG Union Commission for the Cryospheric Sciences


IUGS Commission for Marine Geology

CMG 1960 U d XE0215

IUGS Commission on Comparative Planetology

CCP 1984 U dv XE8252

IUGS Commission on Geological Documentation

COGEODOC 1964 U d XE0217

IUGS Commission on Geoscience Education and Training


IUGS Commission on Geoscience for Environmental Management

IUGS-GEM 2004 U d XE1453

IUGS Commission on Global Sedimentary Geology

C-GSG 1987 U d XE8295

IUGS Commission on Solid Earth Composition and Evolution

SECE U d XE1910

IUGS Commission on Systematics in Petrology

CSP 1970 U dv XE0098

IUGS Commission on Tectonics

COMTEC U dv XE1740

IULA African Union of Local Authorities

IULA-AULA 1984 U d XK0413

IULA Consulting Company Group

U d XD6207

IULA-EMME Centre for Local Government Training and Development in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East

1986 U dy XK0342

IUPAB Special Commission on Cell and Membrane Biophysics

U d XE1164

IUPAB Special Commission on Subcellular and Macromolecular Biophysics

U d XE3575

IUPAB Task Force on Bioinformatics

U dv XE4321

IUPAB Task Force on Biomedical Engineering

1999 U d XK1887

IUPAB Task Force on Biomedical Spectroscopy

U dv XK2279

IUPAB Task Force on Biophysics in Education

U d XE0179

IUPAB Task Force on Environmental Biophysics

U dv XE1128

IUPAB Task Force on NMR in Biological Systems

U dv XK0269

IUPS Commission on Auditory Physiology

U d XE2080

IUPS Commission on Autonomic Nervous System

1980 U d XE8313
