International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Islamic Arts Foundation

London UK U fx XG3291

Islamic Association

1979 Muharraq Bahrain U x XN6850

Islamic Banking and Economic Institute

Mersin Turkey U jx XN0821

Islamic Centre for Latin America

U x XU3354

Islamic Centre for Research and Development

1979 Jakarta Indonesia U x XG4131

Islamic Centre for Science Policy and Techno-Economic Studies

U dp XU8094

Islamic Centre for the Physically Handicapped, Doolmal Tahiriya

ICFPH U x XU8512

Islamic Chamber Council for Leather

ICCL U d XK1958

Islamic Civil Aviation Council

ICAC U dg XE1031

Islamic Civilization Institute, Moscow

U jx XU4400

Islamic College, London

U s XU2033

Islamic Commerce Educational Society

Lahore Pakistan U x XG6906

Islamic Commercial Banks Group

U d XF2140

Islamic Common Market

Jeddah Saudi Arabia U gpx XF4620

Islamic Computing Centre, London

ICC 1982 London UK U x XN6839

Islamic Conciliation Commission

U s XU1978

Islamic Council for Human Rights, Pakistan

U x XJ3659

Islamic Council for International Affairs

U x XG4100

Islamic Council of Architects and Town Planners

U s XU7348

Islamic Council of Asia

1993 U x XU2026

Islamic Countries Information Network

ICINET U gpx XU3113

Islamic Cultural Centre, Hyderabad

Hyderabad India U x XN1936

Islamic Cultural Centre, London

1944 London UK U x XN6451

Islamic Cultural Centre, Rome

Rome Italy U x XG9257

Islamic Culture Foundation

1990 U fvx XN4962
