International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

IOJ Solidarity School of Julius Fucik, Prague

1983 U d XG1138

Iota Pi Lambda Sorority

Montgomery AL USA U x XN2642

IPC Technology

U de XK0754

IPC Unipost

U de XK0324


1983 U x XN4224


U d XM3769

Iranian Human Rights Working Group

IHRWG Portland OR USA U x XG4059

Iraqi Fund for External Development

IFED 1974 Baghdad Iraq U fgx XG8923


U d XJ8953

IRI Research Institute

IRI 1950 Stamford CT USA U jx XN4076

IRIS Association

1988 U d XF1254

Irish Association for European Studies

IAES Limerick Ireland U x XG5181

Irish Association of Russian and East European Studies

IAREES Dublin Ireland U x XG0329

Irish Farmers Association International

U d XN1651

Irish Foundation for Cooperative Development

IFCD 1978 Dublin Ireland U fx XG4700

Irish International Peace Movement

IIPM 1976 Dublin Ireland U x XG8936

Irish Peace Council

1986 Dublin Ireland U x XG1067

Isbourne Foundation

1995 Cheltenham UK U fx XN7684

ISDA - The Office Systems Cooperative

1973 Stockton CA USA U x XN4695

Ishizaka Foundation

1976 Tokyo Japan U fx XN1919

Islam and the West International

1979 U d XD1391

Islamic Academy, Cambridge

1983 Cambridge UK U x XN0787

Islamic African Centre, Khartoum

1972 U d XF1070

Islamic Agriculture and Food Technology Organization

AFTO U s XU6343

Islamic American Relief Agency

IARA 1985 U d XQ0226
