International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

World Music Centre

Serpa Portugal U x XG9052

World Music Institute, Boston

U jx XU8563

World Muslim Bank

U x XU3101

World Muslim Economic Council

U px XU6352

World Muslim Media

U s XU1955

World Muslim Minorities Commission

1984 U d XE3350

World Narcotic Defense Association

U d XU7000

World National Popular Rule Party

U ds XF3466

World Nature Association

WNA 1969 U d XF5529

World Neighbours - East Africa

1952 Nairobi Kenya U x XG6859

World Network of Religious Futurists

WNRF 1980 Edmonds WA USA U x XN6707

World Network of Tsunami Early-Warning Centres

2005 U dp XJ4346

World No-Smoking Promotion Association

U x XU7099

World Ocean Circulation Experiment

WOCE 1989 U dg XF0041

World of Grace Outreach

1996 Beaver Falls NY USA U x XN9559

World of Islam Festival Trust

WIFT 1973 London UK U x XN1775

World of Life Fellowship

WLF 1940 Schroon Lake NY USA U x XN3307

World of Michael Jackson

U x XN1648

World Office of Information on Environmental Problems

WOIEP U x XG5447

World Opinion Federation

WOF 1966 U x XU3125

World Opportunities International - Help the Children

WOI 1961 Los Angeles CA USA U x XG6493

World Order for Cultural Exchange

London UK U s XU0453

World Order of Human Merit

1923 U x XU1061

World Order Research Institute

WORI Villanova PA USA U jx XG1292

World Order Studies Project

Tokyo Japan U x XG3644
