International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

World Peace Association, Mumbai

WPA 2002 Mumbai India U x XG9607

World Peace Association, Seoul

Seoul Korea Rep U x XN6495

World Peace Day Association

Geneva Switzerland U x XF4207

World Peace Exchanges

Lincolnville ME USA U x XG5223

World Peace Institute, Reston VA

1990 Reston VA USA U jx XN6149

World Peace Tax Fund

1972 Washington DC USA U fn XG8466

World Peacemakers

WP 1978 Germantown MD USA U x XG6282

World Peacemakers Association of Nations

U ps XU2257

World Pension Institute

WPI U dj XG2644

World Percussion Network

WPN Lawton OK USA U x XN9222

World Phenomenological Institute

Niigata Japan U jx XN2535

World Philatelic Association

U x XJ0693

World Philatelic Congress of Israel, Holy Land and Judaica Societies

WPC 1968 U x XN0438

World Philatelic Foundation

WPF Sint-Pieters-Leeuw Belgium U fx XN1725

World Philosophic Congress

U cx XS0039

World Photography Society

WPS 1984 Venice CA USA U x XN0291

World Pioneers' Handball Federation

U d XE1087

World Plan Executive Council

WPEC 1965 Washington DC USA U x XK1953

World Poetry Research Institute

WPRI Cheong Ju Korea Rep U jx XN5127

World Poetry Society Intercontinental

1960 Chennai India U x XF3042

World Political Forum

WPF 2003 U d XM4633

World Political Studies

U x XU1311

World Population Fund

U fgx XU5756

World Population Society

WPS 1973 U d XG0808

World Power Foundation

1967 Ann Arbor MI USA U fx XG8231
