International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Web Society

WebSoc 1995 U d XF4233

WebForce International

WFI 1995 U d XG8834

WECC Calibration Agreement Group

1990 U d XK1016

Weisse Inseln

1954 U x XU1805

Welcome Home Ministries International

WHMI 1988 Richmond OH USA U x XN9450

Welcome Wagon International

U x XU1792

Wellness International

Harrisburg PA USA U x XN7522

Wellspring Africa

1984 Iowa City IA USA U x XN8925


U x XU2843

Weltbund für Erneuerung der Erziehung, Deutschsprachige Sektion

1964 U d XU3508

Weltfriedensbund der Jugend

U d XU7751

Weltverband Deutschsprachiger Journalisten

WDJ U x XG9888

Weltweite Partnerschaft in Hamburg

1963 U d XG4106

Wendy Leyton International Migraine Prevention Centre

1962 U d XU1083


Sint-Martens-Latem Belgium U x XN1581

Werkcentrum Internationale Solidariteit

WIS Rotterdam Netherlands U x XG2706

Werkgroep Latijns Amerika, Amersfoort

Amersfoort Netherlands U x XN2614

WESSA Share-Net

1989 U d XF4994

West Africa Business Association

WABA 1956 U d XD0145

West Africa Computer Science Institute

WACSI 1984 Accra Ghana U jvx XF0517

West Africa Environment Watch, Guinea

U x XJ0124

West Africa Regional Technical Assistance Project in Rehabilitation

Washington DC USA U s XU6398

West Africa Tropical and Sub-Tropical Fruit Genetic Resources Network


West African Association of Centres for the Handicapped

Bethesda MD USA U x XG2130

West African Association of Sciences Teachers

U d XU0170
