International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Inter-African Committee on Cartography, Maps and Surveys

U dg XE2406

Inter-African Committee on Computer Sciences and Informatic Education

U d XE2419

Inter-African Committee on Earth Sciences, Geodesy

U dg XE2412

Inter-African Committee on Fertilizers

IACF U dg XE2418

Inter-African Committee on Geology and Mineralogy

U dg XE2414

Inter-African Committee on Housing

U s XU8342

Inter-African Committee on Iron and Steel Developments

U dg XE2421

Inter-African Committee on Natural Resources

U dg XE2415

Inter-African Committee on Solar Energy and New and Renewable Energies

1979 Lagos Nigeria U dg XE2401

Inter-African Electrical Engineering College

IEEC 1979 U d XF9182

Inter-African Fertilizer Committee

U gx XU1344

Inter-African Force

1978 U dg XU6471

Inter-African Military Force

U x XU6897

Inter-African Mission to Monitor the Implementation of the Bangui Agreements

1997 U dg XJ3988

Inter-African Network for Human Rights and Development

Afronet 1993 U d XF4279

Inter-African Research Fund

Lagos Nigeria U dfg XF5163

Inter-Agency Committee for Development Education

U d XU9290

Inter-Agency Committee on Sustainable Development

IACSD 1992 U dg XE3105

Inter-Agency Committee on the Climate Agenda

IACCA 1996 U dgy XE3399

Inter-Agency Consultation on Race in Latin America

IAC 2000 Washington DC USA U xy XM0630

Inter-Agency Coordinating Group for Eye Care

U dy XE1365

Inter-Agency edi Group

IAeG 1992 U d XE3135

Inter-Agency Network for Safety in Biotechnology

IANB 1999 U dy XF6622

Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office

IAPSO 1978 U dg XE5912

Inter-Agency Task Force for Disaster Reduction

IATF Geneva Switzerland U d XK2201
