International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Integrated Programme in Favour of SMEs and the Craft Sector

CRAFT 1994 Brussels Belgium U gx XK0887

Integrated Rural Energy Systems Association

INRESA Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue QC Canada U x XG7004

Integrated Scientific Information System

ISIS Paris France U x XF6392

Integrated Waste Management Network

IWMN Brussels Belgium U x XF3989

Integrating Safety and Environment Knowledge in Food towards European Sustainable Development

ISEKI-Food 4 U d XM3516

Integration, Endogenous Development and Employment

IDEE U d XK0482

Integrator International

St Petersburg Russia U x XN8153

Integrazione Linguistica Euratlantica

ILEURAT Ariccia Italy U x XN3564

Intelligence Service for Air Transport in the European Community

AEROPA 1984 U d XF1725

Intelligent Network Forum

INF 1995 Dallas TX USA U x XF5857

Inter 5

1989 U d XF1201

Inter Citizens Conferences Network

Berlin Germany U x XF5625

Inter Exchanges Assistance

IEA 1987 Maltot France U x XN5113

Inter Governmental Group for the Creation of Financing Fund for Buffer Stocks

U gx XU6896

Inter Nation

U x XU4155

Inter Nationes

IN 1952 U d XN0791

Inter Psychotronic Association

U s XU4362

Inter Regional Training Information System

IRTIS U dg XF7403


U x XG5236

Inter-African Astronomical Observatory and Science Park, Namibia

1993 U px XJ4132

Inter-African Bureau for Research on Tropical Forests

IBFR U dg XE2424

Inter-African Bureau for Soils

1948 U dg XE3868

Inter-African Committee Against Excision

1984 U d XE4610

Inter-African Committee of Experts and Consultants on Soils

1978 U d XU1629

Inter-African Committee on Agriculture and Mechanization of Agriculture

U dg XE2408
