International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Inter-Agency Task Force on Basic Social Services for All

BSSA 1995 U dg XF4424

Inter-Agency Working Group on Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems

IAWG-FIVIMS 1997 U dgy XE4196

Inter-Agency Working Group on the Reintegration of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons

U dg XE1935

Inter-America Research Associates

U x XG3184

Inter-American Academy of Comparative Law

1941 Buenos Aires Argentina U vx XF0152

Inter-American Agrarian Reform Institute

U dj XU9774

Inter-American Agricultural Documentation and Information Center

1973 U dg XE7003

Inter-American Agricultural Organization

U x XU2347

Inter-American Archival Association

U x XU2354

Inter-American Association of Businessmen

AIHE San Juan Puerto Rico U x XN7182

Inter-American Association of Environmental Law and Administration

AUDA U d XD2830

Inter-American Association of Social Security Actuaries

U x XU2342

Inter-American Banana Organization

1961 U d XU9365

Inter-American Bank for Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia

U s XU9729

Inter-American Boy Scouts Advisory Committee

1946 U d XU7170

Inter-American Center for Administration, Planning, Supervision and Curriculum

U s XU1490

Inter-American Center for Instrumental Studies

U d XE4604

Inter-American Center for Museographic Training

U dg XU0031

Inter-American Center for Prevention of Drug Dependence in Minors

U dp XU9773

Inter-American Center for Restoration of Movable Property

Lima Peru U x XG7599

Inter-American Center for the Production of Educational and Scientific Material

U x XU7514

Inter-American Center of Investigation and Documentation

1968 Pietermaai Curaçao U d XG7292

Inter-American Center of Taxation and Financial Administration

1993 U dg XE2566

Inter-American Centre for Environmental Policy

U x XU6731

Inter-American Centre for Labour Administration

1966 U dg XE6029
