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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

People to People International

PTPI 1970 Brussels Belgium E AA1307

People's SAARC

1994 Kathmandu Nepal E XJ9568

Peritoneal Surface Oncology Group International

PSOGI 1998 Washington DC USA E XM2988

Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union

PCC 2002 Madrid Spain E g XM2301

Permanent Conference of Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators

COPEAM 1996 Rome Italy E y XK1909

Permanent Interdicasterial Commission for the Church in Eastern Europe

1993 Vatican City Vatican E XE1914

Permanent International Committee for Research on the Preservation of Materials in the Marine Environment

La Garde France E XE6506

Permanent Joint Technical Commission for Nile Waters

PJTC 1960 Giza Egypt E g XE8771

Permanent Program Committee of the Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics

FPSAC Seattle WA USA E c XJ6659

Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention

2003 Innsbruck Austria E g AA2048

Permanent Secretariat of the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates

2006 Piacenza Italy E c XM4487

Permanent Secretariat to the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds

1999 Bonn Germany E g XE3603

Pesticide Action Network Africa

PAN Africa 1995 Dakar Senegal E XM7197

Pesticide Action Network Europe

1987 Brussels Belgium E y XM7320

PET Sheet Europe

2016 Brussels Belgium E XM7656

Petrochemicals Europe

1985 Brussels Belgium E XD8230

PfP Consortium of Defence Academies and Security Studies Institutes

1998 Garmisch-Partenkirchen Germany E y XE4372

Pharmaceutical Group of the European Union

PGEU 1959 Brussels Belgium E XE3883

Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme

PIC/S 1995 Geneva Switzerland E AA2678

Phosphoric Acid and Phosphates Producers Association

PAPA Brussels Belgium E XJ5959

Phosphorus, Inorganic and Nitrogen Flame Retardants Association

pinfa Brussels Belgium E XJ5751

Pierre Fauchard Academy

PFA 1936 Logan UT USA E XM4028

Piracy Reporting Centre, Kuala Lumpur

1992 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia E XE0582

Plan Bleu pour l'environnement et le développement en Méditerranée

Plan Bleu 1977 Marseille France E g XK1605

Plastic Pipes Conference Association

PPCA Middleton UK E cy XJ9395


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