International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Women's Overseas Service League

1921 San Leandro CA USA U x XN2353

Women's Peace Alliance

U x XG1899

Women's Tennis Council

WTC 1975 U d XD1278

Women's Universal Movement

WUM 1966 U d XU3994

Women's Voice International

U d XJ5279

Women's Workshop in the Americas

WWA New York NY USA U x XN9880

Women's World

1991 Moscow Russia U x XN6043

Women's Zionist Council of Central Africa

Bulawayo Zimbabwe U x XG7726

WomenAction 2000

New York NY USA U xy XF5612

WomenAid International

1988 London UK U x XG2105


U dy XF2709

Womens' International Sport Federation

FSFI U s XU1933


1995 U d XF4070

WomMed/FemMed Network

1995 Paris France U x XK1344

Work Savings International

U s XU9793

Workability Europe

1995 U d XJ1650

Workers Movement for Peace Disarmament

Athens Greece U x XG4178

Workers' International Liaison Committee

ILC 1991 San Francisco CA USA U x XE2673

Workers' Union of the European Institutions

Ispra STIUE U d XE2441

Workflow and Re-Engineering International Association

WARIA 1992 U d XN9775

Workgroup of European Nurse-Researchers

WENR 1978 U dy XF2623

Workgroup on a Solidarity Socio-Economy

WSSE U d XM2937

Working Association of Pedopsychiatrists of the Socialist Countries

U s XU1987

Working Committee of the Scientific Institutes for Crafts in the EEC Countries

1961 U d XE3447

Working Community of the Low and Middle Adriatic

1990 Ancona Italy U d XE2634
