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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Yearbook is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions

1970 Carmel NY USA U jx XN0340

Institute for African Culture and International Understanding

IACIU 2009 U dj XM6087

Institute for Alternative Development Research

IADR 1979 Oslo Norway U jx XG0516

Institute for Alternative Futures, Alexandria VA

IAF 1977 U dj XG5412

Institute for Applied Psychology

IAP 1993 Brussels Belgium U jx XN6142

Institute for Arab Studies, Menashe

1963 Menashe Israel U jx XG2592

Institute for Arab Women's Studies, Washington DC

IAWS U jx XU2788

Institute for Arabic and Islamic Research of South Africa

1976 Durban South Africa U jx XG4424

Institute for Asian and African Culture

Tokyo Japan U jx XN1641

Institute for Asian Studies at Asia University

Tokyo Japan U jx XG2689

Institute for Australasian Geodynamics

U dj XN0972

Institute for Black Peoples

IBP 1990 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso U jx XF1195

Institute for Central American Studies

ICAS 1981 San José Costa Rica U jx XG0223

Institute for Central and Eastern Europe, Israel

U dj XU8978

Institute for Central European Research

ICER 1945 Shaker Heights OH USA U jx XG4402

Institute for Church Leadership Development in Africa

U dj XF0914

Institute for Commonwealth and American Studies and English Literature

ICASEL 1986 Jayalakshmipuram India U jx XG1051

Institute for Conflict Study, Antwerp

1970 Temse Belgium U js XU6562

Institute for Contemporary International Studies

ICIS Moscow Russia U jx XG6603

Institute for Contemporary Studies, San Francisco CA

ICS 1972 U dj XG1439

Institute for Cooperative Studies, Helsinki

ICS Helsinki Finland U jx XN8177

Institute for Cultural Conflict and Peace Research and Inter-Cultural Cooperation, Hannover

Hannover Germany U jx XN5278

Institute for Cultural Relations between Israel and Ibero-America

1955 Jerusalem Israel U jx XN0996

Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies

IDDS 1979 U dj XG5978

Institute for Democracy in Africa

IDA 1994 U d XG8030


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