Encyclopedia of World Problems

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title:Fuzzy exceptional problems

This section groups "unusual" problems. These may include:
  • potential problems
  • problems based on "superstition"
  • problems based on unsubstantiated beliefs (such as UFOs)
  • dormant problems and problems of the past
  • essentially ambiguous, intangible or "fuzzy" problems
  • problems in the organized response to other problems
  • low probability problems (such as geopagnetic reversal)

title:Detailed problems

This section of the Encyclopedia groups together the detailed and sectorally specialized problems which tend to be prominent on the agendas of international organizations with specialized concerns, as well as in the media. Such problems also tend to group, or focus, many of the even more specialized problems which are described in subsequent sections. Indeed in many debates discussion of those more specialized problems may be subsumed under discussion of these problems.

title:Cross-sectoral problems

This section of the Encyclopedia groups together the major cross-sectoral, worldwide problems which tend to be prominent on the agendas of the major international organizations with more specialized concerns, as well as in the media. Such problems also tend to group, or focus, many of the more specialized problems which are described in subsequent sections. Indeed in many debates discussion of the more specialized problems may be subsumed under discussion of these problems.

title:Basic universal problems

This section of the Encyclopedia groups together the major multi-sectoral, worldwide problems which tend to be prominent on the agendas of the major international organizations and in the media. Such problems also tend to group, or focus, many of the more specialized problems which are described in subsequent sections. Indeed in many debates discussion of the more specialized problems may be subsumed under discussion of these major problems.

title:World problems project: summary


The purpose of this project, one of the major dimensions of  the Encyclopedia, is to identify the complete range of world problems perceived by international constituencies, whether as a focus for their programme activities, their research, their protest, their recommendations, or as part of their belief system. An entry has been established on each. This provides a context within which the network of specific relationships perceived between these problems may also be identified.



title:Development Statistics (1976-1995)

Development of Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential (1976-1995)

This table compares evolution of different sections of the Encyclopedia between the lst edition (1976) and the 4th edition (1994-95). The 4th edition was in three volumes, of which the third (Strategies) appeared in 1995. Statistics on subsequent development of the databases for the web are presented separately. The table also reconciles the different ordering systems used in the different editions. See explanatory notes.


title:5.2 Comprehension of sustainable integration

This Encyclopedia may be used like any other reference book. Using any of the indexes, entries on particular topics may be located and consulted. This may be sufficient for many. The organization of the book, with its many cross-references between entries, also permits users to explore "around" any particular entry or "from" it as a point of entry into a network of associated entries.


title:5.1 Section interrelationships

This Encyclopedia has been deliberately organized so as to juxtapose kinds of information that are usually kept apart. This is the case within sections where, as with the "world problems", information from seemingly unrelated subject areas are held together and cross-referenced. The justification for doing so has been presented in the comments on the individual sections. But it is also the case with regard to the sections themselves, which for many could be more appropriately presented in separate publications.


title:4.8 Processing system

Although the obvious purpose has been to produce a physical product, the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential, any evaluation should also cover the computer software developed to that end and the working method it has made possible amongst a team of people whose activities are interwoven in relation to the data elements and their relationships. This is currently being extended to work via the World Wide Web.



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