Encyclopedia of World Problems

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title:Reservations and disclaimer


The emphasis of this project is on providing descriptions of less well-known strategies and solutions, and the strategy descriptions here represent a compilation of views from published documents (usually from international organizations). The text provided does not necessarily constitute the best possible description of the strategy, since a compromise has had to be struck between availability of information, the resources to process it, and the space available.




The international community invests much time and energy in formulating and implementing strategies. However, the tendency is perceive such strategies in isolation. Although the merits of alternative strategies may occur in a policy-making environment, it is unusual for two or more strategies to be discussed in the operational environment in which strategy is executed. This is partly because the current "strategy" is supposed to integrate all relevant approaches to the problems.


title:Entry content and organization

Ordering of entries

Entry numbers have been allocated randomly; they have no significance other than as a permanent point of reference to facilitate indexing, cross-referencing, and updating between editions. Entries in the book version are in numeric order.

Index access to entries

In the book, the location of an entry in this sub-section may be determined from the Index (Section SX) on the basis of keywords in the name of the entry or its alternate titles.

Structure of entries


title:Content and technical issues


Strategies do not have unique or official names. Many of the strategies have two or more other names associated with them to reflect different keywords and ways of describing them. Some have up to ten names. The complete alphabetic list based on a single name per strategy, is therefore an essentially arbitrary ordering of the strategies. As a random presentation of the contents of the database, it has the advantage of drawing attention to the variety of modes of action envisaged by individuals and groups. 


title:Global strategies project: summary


The purpose of this project, one of the major dimensions of  the Encyclopedia, is to identify the complete range of strategies perceived by international constituencies, whether as a focus for their programme activities, their research, their protest, their recommendations, or as part of their belief system. An entry has been established on each strategy. This provides a context within which the network of specific relationships perceived between these strategies may also be identified.



title:6.2 A new global organizational order?

The emergence of a more sustainable approach to the crises of the times might well be facilitated by exploring principles such as the following:

1. Recognition of disagreement on basic issues

People and groups (small or large) tend to disagree on basic issues when faced with complex problems and opportunities. Such disagreement often takes the form of unrestrained mutual hostility or perceived mutual irrelevance.

2. Counter-productive preoccupation with consensus


title:5.2 Values as attractors

1. Chaos theory

In the spirit of the previous notes, it is useful to speculate on the possible relevance of the most recent leap in understanding of the principles by which many natural and social phenomena are governed, namely chaos theory. It is widely accepted that the importance of values lies in the manner in which they govern the seemingly chaotic behaviour of individuals and groups. It is quite clear that the greatest difficulty is experienced in determining what values are and what form their existence takes.



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