Technology → Engineers
Organizations relating to Engineers
Federation of Arab Engineers / Cairo, Egypt / Est. 1963
International Union of Professional Engineers / Haan, Germany / Est. 1953
Scandinavian Reliability Engineers / Halden, Norway / Est. 1980
Asociación Panamericana de Ingenieros Agrónomos / Tandil, Argentina / Est. 1994
Secrétariat international des ingénieurs, des agronomes et des cadres économiques catholiques / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1951
Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers / Norcross GA, USA / Est. 1948
African Engineers Forum / Midrand, South Africa / Est. 1995
Ingénieurs assistance internationale / Brussels, Belgium
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1918
Christian Engineers in Development / South Brent, UK / Est. 1985
International Institute of Transportation Engineers / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1930
Society of Plastics Engineers / Danbury CT, USA / Est. 1942
Ingénieurs du monde / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1999
South American Union of Engineers' Associations / Est. 1935
Nordiska Ingenjörssamfundet / Est. 1941
Association internationale des ingenieurs agronomes francophones / Paris, France / Est. 1990
Andean Council of Engineers
Association européenne des ingénieurs électriciens et électroniciens
International Network of Engineers and Scientists' Projects on Ethics / Copenhagen, Denmark / Est. 1994
Institution of Railway Signal Engineers / London, UK / Est. 1912
Institution of Lighting Engineers / Rugby, UK / Est. 1924
Engineers' Liaison Committee for the European Communities / Est. 1970
Architecture and Surveying Institute / Est. 1989
Conférence permanente des ingénieurs du Sud-Est de l'Europe
International Congress of Scientists and Engineers
Institut de technologie au Cambodge / Phnom Penh, Cambodia / Est. 1992
International Association of Knowledge Engineers / Rockville MD, USA / Est. 1987
International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Conversion
International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility / Berlin, Germany / Est. 1991
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers / White Plains NY, USA / Est. 1916
Union internationale des ingénieurs et des scientifiques utilisant la langue française / Paris, France / Est. 1987
SAE International / Warrendale PA, USA / Est. 1905
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers / Alexandria VA, USA / Est. 1893
Engineers for a Sustainable World / Pittsburgh PA, USA / Est. 2001
Institution of Agricultural Engineers / Cranfield, UK / Est. 1938
Young Asian Biological Engineers’ Community
Institution of Structural Engineers / London, UK / Est. 1908
Society of Petroleum Engineers / Richardson TX, USA / Est. 1985
Institution of Chemical Engineers / Rugby, UK / Est. 1922
Institution of Civil Engineers / London, UK / Est. 1818
Institution of Fire Engineers / Stratford-upon-Avon, UK / Est. 1918
Congresso de Engenheiros de Língua Portuguesa
World Council of Civil Engineers / Granada, Spain / Est. 2005
AACE International / Fairmont WV, USA / Est. 1956
European Society for Engineers and Industrialists / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1999
Engineers Without Borders International / Denver CO, USA / Est. 2002
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers / Piscataway NJ, USA / Est. 1884
Consejo de las Asociaciones Profesionales de Ingenieros Civiles de Lengua Oficial Portuguesa y Castellana / Lisbon, Portugal / Est. 2007
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers / Bunnik, Netherlands / Est. 1995
Young Engineers of ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisations / Petaling Jaya, Malaysia / Est. 1993
View all profiles (150 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
Action Strategies relating to Engineers
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialReporting malpractice of engineers
Self-regulating practice of engineers
Correcting professional misconduct by engineers
Educating electronics engineers
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