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Government → Political

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

Organizations relating to Political

International Association of Political Consultants / Denver CO, USA / Est. 1968
European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy / Rome, Italy / Est. 1988
Pacific Islands Political Studies Association / Canberra ACT, Australia / Est. 1987
Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences / Vatican City, Vatican / Est. 1994
European Political Strategy Centre / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1989
Eastern Partnership / Est. 2009
Congress of Political Economists, International / Wilkes-Barre PA, USA / Est. 1990
International Network of Political Leaders Promoting Democracy in Burma / Est. 1996
Socialists, Democrats and Greens Group / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1975
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1974
Central European Initiative / Trieste, Italy / Est. 1989
Southern African Political Economy Series Trust / Harare, Zimbabwe / Est. 1987
ASEAN Troika / Jakarta, Indonesia / Est. 2000
Partnership for Peace / Est. 1994
Réseau sur les Politiques de Pêche en Afrique de l'Ouest / Dakar, Senegal / Est. 2005
Institut d'études politiques de Paris / Paris, France
Italian Institute for International Political Studies / Milan, Italy / Est. 1933
Ibis - Denmark / Copenhagen, Denmark / Est. 1966
Center for Political and International Studies, Moscow / Moscow, Russia
Centre for Global Political Economy, Brighton / Brighton, UK / Est. 2000
Les Afriques dans le monde / Pessac, France / Est. 1958
Center for Global Political Economy, Burnaby / Burnaby BC, Canada / Est. 2003
Instituto Centroamericano de Estudios Politicos / Guatemala, Guatemala / Est. 1968
Formation de cadres africains / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1960
Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean / Toronto ON, Canada / Est. 1978
Graduate Institute of Political and International Studies / Reading, UK
Australasian Political Studies Association / Hobart TAS, Australia / Est. 1952
World Citizen Foundation / New York NY, USA
Institute for Political and International Studies, Teheran / Teheran, Iran Islamic Rep / Est. 1983
The Century Foundation / New York NY, USA / Est. 1919
World Political Forum / Est. 2003
International Foundation of Socio-Economic and Political Studies / Moscow, Russia / Est. 1992
Istituto di Studi Politici / Rome, Italy / Est. 1972
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung / Berlin, Germany / Est. 1990
Christian Democratic Union of Central Europe / Est. 1950
International Association for Comparative Legislation and Political Economy / Est. 1909
Movement for Political World Union / Est. 1968
Organisation internationale pour la coopération européenne politique et économique / Est. 1928
Middle East Policy Council / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1981
Institut d'études politiques / Saint-Martin-d'Hères, France / Est. 1948
Enlarged European Horizon / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2002
Generation Europe / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1995
International Conference on Political Warfare of the Soviet / Riez, France
Inter-American Convention on the Granting of Political Rights to Women / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1948
Agreement on a Comprehensive Political Settlement of the Cambodia Conflict / Est. 1991
Treaty on Asylum and Political Refugees / Est. 1939
Treaty of Alliance, Political Cooperation and Mutual Assistance / Est. 1954
Convention on Political Asylum, 1933 / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1933
Political Agreement / Est. 1922
Convention on the Political Rights of Women / Est. 1953

View all profiles (263 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Political

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Political agitation
Undemocratic policy-making
Political immaturity
Irresponsible politics
Irresponsible political affiliations
Overemphasis on effective use of technical resources
Concentration camps
Unethical practices in politics
Government sanctioned killing
Deprivation of government benefits for political purposes
Undue political pressure
Political unfitness
Political trials
Parochial national interests
Political barriers to effective legislation
Unequal political representation
Political hostage-taking
Language discrimination in politics
Military political prisoners and detainees
Political imprisonment
Political infiltration
Religious and political antagonism
Social breakdown
Violation of civil rights
Misuse of personal authority for political purposes

Action Strategies relating to Political

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Political restructuring
Enhancing political sustainability of structural adjustment policies
Enhancing political integration
Forming transnational political interdependence
Tolerating political diversity
Engaging in green party politics
Maintaining democratic political foundation
Reducing political differences among countries
Linking shelter and development
Determining forms of political challenge
Appealing to decision-makers
Developing integrated environmental frameworks
Integrating sciences relevant to the environment at all political and geographic levels
Creating virtual political parties
Defining political platforms
Achieving universal justice
Vindicating political candidates
Developing grassroots political voice
Conveying political sociologies
Eliciting broad political interest
Accounting for special political interests
Exposing historical necessity for democratic government
Enabling political candidacy
Reviewing popular feeling on judicial matters

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