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Organizations relating to Arts

International Arts and Entertainment Alliance / Paris, France
Parkour Earth / London, UK / Est. 2017
European Group of Artists of the Ardennes and the Eifel / Prüm, Germany / Est. 1957
European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts / Basel, Switzerland
International Society of Phenomenology, Aesthetics and the Fine Arts / Hanover NH, USA / Est. 1995
Centre international de recherches glyptographiques / Braine-le-Château, Belgium / Est. 1981
Centre de liaison artistique et culturelle en méditerranée / Tunis, Tunisia
Bureau de liaison internationale des écoles de théâtre / Waremme, Belgium / Est. 1975
Letterstedt Society / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1875
European Artists' Association / Brussels, Belgium
ART for The World / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1995
Institut pour le développement des relations interculturelles par l'art / Munsbach, Luxembourg / Est. 1983
International Coalition of Art Deco Societies / Est. 1990
Caribbean Festival of Creative Arts / St Michael, Barbados / Est. 1972
Planet Art Network / Ashland OR, USA
International Federation of Centres for Puppetry Arts / Kelvindale, UK / Est. 1990
International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1886
Arab Fund for Arts and Culture / Beirut, Lebanon / Est. 2007
International Arts Relations / New York NY, USA
J Paul Getty Trust / Los Angeles CA, USA / Est. 1953
INTERARTS Foundation / Barcelona, Spain / Est. 1991
KAIROS Foundation / Totnes, UK
Christian Artists Europe / Rotterdam, Netherlands / Est. 1970
International A S Pushkin Foundation / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1999
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada / New York NY, USA / Est. 1893
Evatt Foundation / Sydney NSW, Australia / Est. 1979
Association of Culture and Art Development in Balkans / Pristina, Kosovo
Foundation for the Arts in Brussels / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1992
Musicians and Fine Artists for World Peace / Vallejo CA, USA
Arts International / Est. 1981
Globetree Foundation / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1982
Bradshaw Foundation / Est. 1992
Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildende Künste / Berlin, Germany / Est. 1957
International Society of Caricature Artists / Kansas City MO, USA / Est. 1989
African Artists for Development / Paris, France / Est. 2009
Cross Border Network of History and Arts / Trier, Germany / Est. 2007
Commonwealth Music Association / Est. 1990
International Association for Cultural Freedom / Est. 1950
International Arts Association / Est. 1986
International Confederation of Artists Associations / Est. 1935
Union des écrivains et artistes latins / Est. 1957
European Committee for the Handicrafts and Creative Arts
European Pan-Keltic League / Est. 1984
International Institute of Public Art / Est. 1905
International Federation for Weeks of Art / Est. 1936
International Organization of Performing Artists / Est. 2003
European Union of Musicians / Est. 1993
Union européenne des artistes / Est. 1979
Union africaine des arts et des lettres / Est. 1946
International Institute of Arts and Letters / Est. 1931

View all profiles (743 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Arts

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Deterioration of the physical condition of art objects
Commercialization of art
Elimination of traditional skills
Abuse of traditional cultural expressions of peoples
Theft of works of art
Indecent art
Art vandalism
Art forgery
Debasement of works of art
Dismembered works of art

Action Strategies relating to Arts

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Cultivating appreciation of cultural heritage
Discussing cultural heritage issues
Strengthening aesthetic education
Promoting role of books
Enhancing status of artists
Improving working conditions of women artists and artisans
Disseminating representative cultural masterpieces
Enhancing access to art
Developing graphic arts
Advancing art history
Preserving old paintings
Developing art of peace
Linking national patent offices
Promoting ethical values through performing arts
Developing art
Communicating new craft techniques
Recovering artistic heritage
Presenting global art forms
Developing verbal artistry
Marketing traditional art objects
Acquiring performing arts facility
Studying relationships between art and science
Broadening traditional arts audience
Fostering traditional art form
Transferring art techniques

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