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Societal Problems → Epidemics

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being

Organizations relating to Epidemics

International Society of Geographical and Epidemiological Ophthalmology / London, UK / Est. 1970
Brighton Collaboration / Basel, Switzerland / Est. 1999
Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 2003
International Society for Vaccination and Immunotherapy / Est. 2005
Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa / Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / Est. 1962
Groupe européen d'expertise en épidémiologie pratique / Paris, France / Est. 1987
Latin American Center for Perinatology/Unit of Woman and Reproductive Health / Montevideo, Uruguay / Est. 1970
SEAMEO TROPMED Regional Centre for Public Health, Hospital Administration, Environmental and Occupational Health / Manila, Philippines
International Clinical Epidemiology Network - Asia / Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Latin American Clinical Epidemiology Network / Bogota, Colombia
North American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Vaccine Bank / Greenport NY, USA / Est. 1982
European Advisory Board on Cat Diseases / Est. 2005
Fondation médicale de l'Université catholique de Louvain en Afrique centrale / Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium / Est. 1926
Institut de Médecine et d'Epidémiologie Appliquée / Paris, France
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Society of Southern Africa / Johannesburg, South Africa / Est. 1983
Australasian Epidemiological Association / Parkville VIC, Australia / Est. 1987
GAIA Vaccine Foundation / Providence RI, USA / Est. 2001
Commission des épidémies
International Anti-Vaccination League / Est. 1911
Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine / Est. 1982
International Symposium on Epidemiology and Control of Salmonella and Other Foodborne Pathogens of Pork
Agreement Concerning Cooperation in the Quarantine of Plants and Their Protection Against Pests and Diseases / Est. 1959
International Study Group on Current Epidemiology
Réseau pour la formation en épidémiologie et santé publique dans les pays en développement / Est. 1983
Pan African Veterinary Vaccine Center of the African Union / Debre-Zeit, Ethiopia / Est. 2004
Epidemiological Society of Southern Africa
Global Environmental Epidemiology Network / Est. 1987
International Federation of Organisations Opposing Vaccination
Fédération internationale d'épidémiologie / Madrid, Spain
Bureau international des épidémies
Nordic PharmacoEpidemiological Network / Est. 2008
Nordic Vaccine Meeting
International Conference on Progress in Vaccination Against Cancer
Vaccine Congress
Nordic Conference of Epidemiology and Register-Based Research
Mérieux Foundation / Lyon, France / Est. 1967
GALVmed / Edinburgh, UK / Est. 2004
Centre for Epidemiological Research in Southern Africa / Overport, South Africa
Edward Jenner Vaccine Society / Rochester MN, USA / Est. 2010
United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1955
Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center / Duque de Caxias, Brazil / Est. 1951
French Language Network for International Clinical Epidemiology / Lyon, France / Est. 1988
Vaccines for Africa Initiative / Cape Town, South Africa / Est. 2008
Association des épidémiologistes de langue française / Bordeaux, France / Est. 1976
European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance / Amsterdam, Netherlands
SIGMA Consortium / Est. 2020
INCLEN Trust International / Delhi, India / Est. 1980
Global Vaccine Data Network / Auckland, New Zealand
Pandemic Action Network / Est. 2020
International Association for Research in Hospital Hygiene / Monaco, Monaco / Est. 1968

View all profiles (143 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Epidemics

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Enforced vaccination
Biological warfare
Inadequate plant quarantine
Unnecessary gynaecological surgery
Locust plagues
Inadequate animal quarantine
Risks of immunization
Non-epidemic typhus
Black flies as pests
Type 2 diabetes
Inadequate disinfection of pastureland after disease outbreak
Abuse of antibiotics and vaccines in factory farming
Medium-term cyclic variations in solar radiant energy

Action Strategies relating to Epidemics

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Protesting compulsory immunization
Using vaccines to prevent communicable diseases
Accelerating research on improved vaccines
Designing simpler delivery systems for vaccines
Using epidemiological monitoring to anticipate spread of communicable diseases
Monitoring for epidemic outbreaks
Conducting epidemiological studies
Monitoring pests
Developing vaccine against AIDS
Researching effects of poor vaccination practices
Engaging in biological warfare
Insisting on compulsory vaccination
Organizing immunization programme
Encouraging epidemics
Preventing epidemics
Banning epidemic warfare
Evaluating vaccines

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