Global civil society activity in Parkville, Australia

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Organizations based in Parkville

Asian and Oceanian Myology Centre Est. 2001

Asia-Oceania Research Organization in Genital Infection and Neoplasia

Australasian Association for Logic Est. 1964

Australasian Epidemiological Association Est. 1987

Crawford Fund for International Agricultural Research Est. 1987

Institute for Middle Eastern Studies, Parkville

Australian and New Zealand Association of Theological Schools

Institute for Oriental Studies, Parkville

Discourse-Pragmatic Variation and Change Research Network Est. 2012

Oceania Cyber Security Centre

International Association for Youth Mental Health Est. 2012

International Commission on Dynamical Meteorology Est. 1967

Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance

IEPA Early Intervention in Mental Health Est. 1996

Australasian Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Est. 2002

International Genetics Federation Est. 1911

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Past Events in Parkville

2022 Conference – Australasia Pacific Extension Network
2020 International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health – IEPA Early Intervention in Mental Health
2017 Symposium – Asian Pacific Society of Prion Research
2000 Biennial Conference – Asian Studies Association of Australia
1998 Regional congress – International Council for Central and East European Studies
1997 Regional workshop on informatics in the service of engineering education and energy education for sustainable development in South East Asia and the Pacific – Regional Informatics Network for Southeast Asia and the PacificUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
1997 International symposium on the contribution of psychology to peace – International Union of Psychological Science
1996 International conference on the media, ethnic and racial conflict – International Conflict Resolution Centre, Melbourne
1990 International conference on low vision – Association for the Blind
1986 International bankers summer school and centenary celebration – Australian Institute of Bankers

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