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Amenities → Maintenance

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production


The technical meaning of maintenance involves functional checks, servicing, repairing or replacing of necessary devices, equipment, machinery, building infrastructure and supporting utilities in industrial, business, and residential installations. Over time, this has come to include multiple wordings that describe various cost-effective practices to keep equipment operational; these activities occur either before or after a failure.

– syndicated content from Wikipedia

Organizations relating to Maintenance

International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety / Barcelona, Spain / Est. 1999
Federación Iberoamericana de Mantenimiento / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1990
Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management
Centre africain de formation à la maintenance des équipements de la micro-informatique / Lomé, Togo / Est. 1990
Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals / Atlanta GA, USA / Est. 1992
International Council for Machinery Lubrication / Broken Arrow OK, USA / Est. 2001
Union internationale du commerce et de la réparation du cycle et du motocycle / Est. 1958
Association of European Shipbuilders and Shiprepairers
Trans-African Highway Bureau / Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / Est. 1991
Association des fabricants européens de pièces automobiles / Est. 1977
European Transport Maintenance Council / Est. 1983
European Union of Painters and Decorators / Dublin, Ireland
Institut européen de formation continue en réparation et évaluation du dommage corporel
Earth Repair Foundation / Katoomba NSW, Australia
International Napoleonic Friends / Lyon, France / Est. 1961
World Reuse, Repair and Recycling Association / Middlebury VT, USA / Est. 2004
Aeronautical Repair Station Association / Alexandria VA, USA
Convention for the Maintenance, Preservation and Reestablishment of Peace / Est. 1936
Agreement Relating to Governmental Supervision of Airworthiness, Operation and Maintenance of Aeroplanes Involved under the Technical Cooperation Agreements between KLM, SAS, Swissair and UTA / Est. 1972
Central African Convention for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons, Their Ammunition, Parts and Components That Can be Used for Their Manufacture, Repair and Assembly / Est. 2010
International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers / Est. 1898
International Organization for Motor Trades and Repairs Committee for Europe / Est. 1971
Eric's Wasted Worldwide Repair Society / Winnipeg MB, Canada / Est. 1985
Union européenne des tapissiers garnisseurs-décorateurs-selliers et maroquiniers
Association of Aviation Maintenance Organizations / Kempton Park, South Africa / Est. 1978
Aviation Maintenance Foundation International / Redmond WA, USA / Est. 1971
Comité international de banquiers de la commission des réparations
Consumer Products Coordination Group / Est. 1987
Asian Federation of National Maintenance Societies
Centre régional de formation pour entretien routier / Est. 1969
ATLAS Group / Est. 1969
Standing EEC Committee of the International Soap, Detergent and Maintenance Products Industry Association / Est. 1958
Comité de liaison européen de la distribution indépendante de pièces automobiles / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1982
International Maintenance Institute / Houston TX, USA / Est. 1961
Union européenne des décorateurs, tapisseurs, matelassiers, selliers, fabricants de cuir
EEC Committee for the International Liaison Centre of Agricultural Machinery Traders and Repairers / Est. 1963
Internationale pour l'entretien des sépultures militaires
International Institute of Aircraft Maintenance
Institut pour la rénovation industrielle dans les pays ACP / Paris, France
Comité technique international pour les réparations allemandes
Arab Council of Operations and Maintenance / Beirut, Lebanon / Est. 2004
Agreement between the Member States of the Council of Europe on the Issue to Military and Civilian War-disabled of an International Book of Vouchers for the Repair of Prosthetic and Orthopaedic Appliances / Strasbourg, France / Est. 1962
Euro-International Committee for Concrete / Est. 1953
International Federation of Associations of Cleaning Products Manufacturers / Est. 1962
International Concrete Repair Institute / St Paul MN, USA / Est. 1988
International Society of Nuclear Air Treatment Technology / Southeastern PA, USA / Est. 1990
international Society for Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Transport infrastructures / Est. 2003
European Automotive Services and Repairers Association / Salses-le-Château, France / Est. 1994
European Aviation Maintenance Training Committee / Leidschendam, Netherlands / Est. 1984
Modification and Replacement Parts Association / Washington DC, USA

View all profiles (88 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Maintenance

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Fragility of maintaining basic health
Inadequate land drainage
Inadequate road maintenance
Inadequate provision of alimony
Inadequate equipment maintenance
Inadequate maintenance of infrastructure
Inadequate maintenance equipment
Defective municipal water delivery equipment
Blighted land use
Inadequate primary health care
Wastage of highly skilled personnel in the routine maintenance of complex systems

Action Strategies relating to Maintenance

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Harmonizing equipment
Facilitating NGO participation in international affairs
Providing a clearinghouse for economic development information
Interrupting ecosystem climax
Maintaining futures library
Conserving global biodiversity
Maintaining library
Setting electronic communication standards
Managing natural areas
Converting outmoded public buildings
Making easy-to-repair items
Maintaining balance of nature
Maintaining business network
Compiling inventory
Ensuring maintenance of public transport and infrastructure
Maintaining order
Providing social security for disabled persons
Sustaining industrial innovation
Maintaining global security
Maintaining industry network
Maintaining databases on marine living resources

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