Society → Class, Caste, Elites
Organizations relating to Class, Caste, Elites
European Commission of the Nobility / Paris, France / Est. 1959
Ambedkar Center for Justice and Peace / Nagpur, India / Est. 1991
Study Group on International Labor and Working Class History / New York NY, USA / Est. 1972
International Study Institution of the Middle Classes / Est. 1903
Union internationale catholique des classes moyennes / Est. 1956
International Formula Windsurfing Class / Hayling Island, UK
Sovereign Constantinian Order / Est. 0312
Convention Concerning the Settlement of Various Classes of Pensions Which Were Not Regulated by the Rome Convention / Est. 1922
International Center in New York / New York NY, USA / Est. 1961
International Dalit Support Group / Houston TX, USA
Territoires et élites dans le monde ibérique / Est. 1995
Union internationale d'hôtels de grande classe internationale
Comité international permanent pour l'organisation catholique de la classe ouvrière
International Untouchables Association
International Federation of Dalit Organizations / Est. 1986
International 52 Class Racing Association
Institute of Comparative Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Est. 1966
International Labor History Association / Madison WI, USA / Est. 1988
World Elite Black Belt Society / Enfield, UK / Est. 2001
Federación Latinoamericana de Trabajadores Campesinos y de la Alimentación / Est. 1988
State Capture: Research and Action / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 2023
International Dalit Solidarity Network / Copenhagen, Denmark / Est. 2000
European Elite Athletes Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2007
View all profiles (26 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Class, Caste, Elites
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialSocial inequality
Student absenteeism
Elitist control of information technology
Class consciousness
Social stratification
Urban poverty
Social outcasts
Unavailability of insurance for vulnerable groups
Class discrimination in education
Elitist control of construction technology
Action Strategies relating to Class, Caste, Elites
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialTaking legal citizen action
Christianizing conditions of the working classes
Introducing adult literacy classes
Arranging cross-class schedule
Establishing continuing education classes
Creating exemplary class curriculum
Scheduling broad class opportunities
Creating adequate class space
Conducting language proficiency classes
Class struggle
Assisting social outcasts
Reducing class sizes
Reducing caste prejudice
Using discrimination in relation to castes
Increasing fight against drug barons
Protecting against vulnerability of middle-class
Forming cliques
Using class domination
Reducing bourgeois attitudes
Reducing class discrimination
Reducing class discriminatory language
Encouraging class disparity resentment
Reducing lifestyle disparity resentment
Uniting classes
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