Geography → Ecology
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Ecology is the natural science of the relationships among living organisms and their environment. Ecology considers organisms at the individual, population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere levels. Ecology overlaps with the closely related sciences of biogeography, evolutionary biology, genetics, ethology, and natural history.
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Organizations relating to Ecology
Natural Capital Coalition / London, UK / Est. 2012
International Society for Behavioral Ecology / Melbourne VIC, Australia / Est. 1988
International Society for Ecological Psychology / Tempe AZ, USA / Est. 1981
Ecologica International Association / Naples, Italy / Est. 2007
Federación de Partidos Verdes de las Américas / Mexico City, Mexico / Est. 1997
International Society of Mediterranean Ecology / Lisbon, Portugal / Est. 1984
International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety / Neuherberg, Germany / Est. 1972
Alliance for Social and Ecological Consumer Organisations
Mesoamerican Ecotourism Alliance / Boulder CO, USA
Red Iberoamericana y del Caribe de Restauración Ecológica / Est. 2007
European Centre for Ecological and Agricultural Tourism / Est. 1994
South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation / Wellington, New Zealand
International Ecological Safety Collaborative Organization / Beijing, China / Est. 2006
Global Marshall Plan Initiative / Hamburg, Germany / Est. 2003
BALKANI Wildlife Society / Sofia, Bulgaria / Est. 1989
International Biodeterioration Research Group / Hartley Wintney, UK / Est. 1968
UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education / Bangkok, Thailand / Est. 1961
PAN Asia and the Pacific / Penang, Malaysia / Est. 1995
ECNC Group / Tilburg, Netherlands / Est. 2009
Albertine Rift Conservation Society / Cambridge, UK / Est. 1995
International Centre on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural Heritage / Beijing, China / Est. 2007
Movimiento Agroecológico para Latinoamérica y El Caribe / Est. 1992
World Order Models Project / Est. 1966
International Long-Term Ecological Research Network / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1993
Congo Basin Forest Partnership / Est. 2002
Factor 10 Institute / Est. 1994
IOAS / Fargo ND, USA / Est. 1997
Carpathian Ecoregion Initiative / Bratislava, Slovakia / Est. 1999
Eco-Sys Action Foundation / Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Baltic Ecovillage Network
KR Foundation / Copenhagen, Denmark / Est. 2014
Asian Ecotourism Network / Bangkok, Thailand
AGRECOL Afrique: Networking and Information Centre for Sustainable Agriculture in Africa / Thiès, Senegal / Est. 2001
Global Association for People and the Environment / Pakse, Laos / Est. 1999
Center for New Creation / Est. 1979
Ecologists Linked for Organizing Grassroots Initiatives and Action / Middlebury VT, USA / Est. 1989
Sustainability Challenge Foundation / Est. 1994
ECOBALTIC Foundation, Gdansk / Gdansk, Poland / Est. 1988
Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies / Stevens-Point WI, USA / Est. 1985
Diobass, écologie et société / Nivelles, Belgium / Est. 1996
Global Green University / Trotton, UK
Woman and Earth Global Eco-Network / New York NY, USA / Est. 1979
Institut méditerranéen d'écologie et paléoécologie / Marseille, France
East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies / Ishikawa, Japan
Centre for International Sustainable Development Law / Montréal QC, Canada
AME World Ecology Foundation / Sao Paulo, Brazil / Est. 1976
Hilfswerk International / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1989
Centre d'actions et de réalisations internationales / Viols-le-Fort, France / Est. 1998
Beijer Institute - International Institute of Ecological Economics / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1977
International Institute for Ecological Agriculture / Santa Cruz CA, USA / Est. 1993
View all profiles (658 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Ecology
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialThreatened coral reef ecosystems
Natural environmental degradation from recreation and tourism
Environmental hazards of exotic species introduction
Natural environment degradation
Environmental consequences of war
Irreversible environmental trends
Environmental degradation
Inappropriate tree plantations
Neglect of environmental consequences of government policies
Negative ecological impact of overpopulation
Non-destructible containers and packaging
Vulnerability of marine ecosystems
Threatened glacial habitats
Threatened habitats of Boreal floral kingdom
Endangered habitats of Cape floral kingdom
Vulnerability of ecosystem niches
Violence by fanatical environmentalists
Health hazards of environmental degradation
Regional environmental degradation
Degradation of fragile ecosystems
Hazardous locations for nuclear power plants
Degradation of mountain environment by leisure activities
Degradation of flora and fauna habitats
Environmental stress of natural systems
Environmental hazards from logging
Action Strategies relating to Ecology
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialAssessing role of ecosystems in producing goods for sustainable development
Building ecological communities
Using permaculture agriculture
Building ecological context
Facilitating ecosystem climax
Applying environmental chemistry
Protesting lack of integration of environmental and economic issues
Interrupting ecosystem climax
Conserving global marine biological diversity
Auditing environmental parameters
Living sustainable lifestyles
Using biological pest control
Protecting mountain habitats
Envisioning ecological future
Protecting wetland ecosystems
Protesting environmental issues
Conserving global biodiversity
Conserving tropical biological diversity
Capturing environmental value
Preserving ecological diversity
Managing natural areas
Developing ecological literacy
Advocating sustainable development
Thinking systematically
Informing about rainforests
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