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Medicine → Intestinal Tract

Organizations relating to Intestinal Tract

Fédération Internationale Francophone de Coelio-Chirurgie / Lausanne, Switzerland / Est. 2005
Eurasian Colorectal Technologies Association / Graz, Austria / Est. 2007
Asian and South Pacific Ostomy Association / Tokyo, Japan
Latinamerican Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition / Lima, Peru / Est. 1975
International Society of Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery / Leawood KS, USA
Association of European Coeliac Societies / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1988
European Society of Comparative Gastroenterology
African Middle East Association of Gastroenterology / Giza, Egypt / Est. 2000
Intestinal Transplant Registry / Est. 1994
International Colorectal Cancer Club / Ulm, Germany / Est. 2001
International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists / Kyoto, Japan / Est. 1988
Rome Foundation / Raleigh NC, USA
International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy / San Antonio TX, USA / Est. 1989
Friends of Ostomates Worldwide / Louisville KY, USA / Est. 1986
Association of West Indian Gastroenterologists / Kingston, Jamaica / Est. 1987
Association of National European and Mediterranean Societies of Gastroenterology / Est. 1947
International Association for Gastrointestinal Motility in Children / Est. 1989
Association d'hépato-gastro-entérologie de l'Afrique noire francophone / Yaoundé, Cameroon
African Federation of Gastroenterology / Congella, South Africa
Nordic Gastroenterological Association
European Council of Coloproctology
African Ostomy Association / Est. 2011
Asian Pacific Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology
European Association of Coloproctology / Est. 1999
International Group for the Study of Gastrointestinal Motility / Rochester MN, USA / Est. 1967
European Association for Gastrointestinal Emergencies and Intensive Care
Oceanic Federation of Coloproctology
West African Society of Gastroenterology / Est. 1966
Nordic Ostomy Association
Asian Society of Colorectal Surgery / Est. 1975
PAX Society - Society of the Peritoneal Cavity
Australasian Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition / Est. 1974
Caribbean Association of Endo-laparoscopic Surgeons
International Rectal Microbicide Advocates / Chicago IL, USA / Est. 2005
International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders / Mount Pleasant SC, USA / Est. 1991
European Federation of Colorectal Cancer / Vienna, Austria / Est. 2003
International Research Foundation for Helicobacter and Intestinal Immunology / Subiaco WA, Australia / Est. 1994
European School of Laparoscopic Surgery / Brussels, Belgium
Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group / Camperdown NSW, Australia
International Colon Hydrotherapy Foundation / Foresthill CA, USA / Est. 1982
Nordiska Arbetsgruppen för Pediatrisk Gastroenterologi och Nutrition
South Pacific Ostomy Association / Est. 1994
International Council of Surgical Gastroenterology / Manchester MA, USA
European Gastro Club / Münster, Germany / Est. 1969
International Foundation for Proctology / Est. 1978
European Group for Colorectal Cancer Screening / Odense, Denmark
European Intestinal Transport Group / Berlin, Germany / Est. 1976
Colonic International Association / Est. 1987
International Colonic Educators Association
European Study Group on Intestinal Transplantation

View all profiles (142 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Intestinal Tract

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Feline panleukopenia
Disharmonies of Qi of the Small Intestine of the body
Foreign bodies in the oesophagus
Chronic gastritis
Colon-rectal cancer
Infectious diarrhoeas
Gastro-intestinal disorders due to torture
Diarrhoea in children
Irritable bowel syndrome
Disorders of gastric motility
Coeliac disease
Anorectal atresia
Stomach flu
Catarrhal diarrhoea
Gastric cancer
Foot-and-mouth disease
Parasitic diseases in animals
Diarrhea in neonatal ruminants

Action Strategies relating to Intestinal Tract

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Preventing noma
Reducing incidence of childhood diarrhoea
Educating about diarrhoeal diseases
Screening for bowel cancer
Treating infestations of gastrointestinal parasites of animals
Studying enteric diseases
Studying acute diarrhoeal disease
Studying diseases of the intestines
Advancing gastroenterology
Studying gastroenterology

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