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Biosciences → Proteins

Organizations relating to Proteins

European Animal Protein Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1988
European Proteomics Association / Graz, Austria
Protein Society / Santa Clarita CA, USA / Est. 1986
Asian Pacific Society of Prion Research / Sendai, Japan / Est. 2011
Worldwide Protein Data Bank Foundation
European Federation of Animal Protein Importers and Traders / Rotterdam, Netherlands / Est. 1961
Australasian Proteomics Society / Balnarring VIC, Australia
Protein Grain Products International / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1974
Latin American Protein Society / Rosario, Argentina
Tilapia Food Aid Organization / Est. 1982
Protein-Calorie Advisory Group of the United Nations System / Est. 1955
Phaseomics Global Initiative / Cali, Colombia / Est. 2001
International Conference on Oxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins
International Conference on WT1 in Human Neoplasia / Est. 2004
International Conference on Proteoglycans
Asia Pacific Protein Association / Osaka, Japan
European Lipoprotein Club / Gothenburg, Sweden / Est. 1977
International Food and Agribusiness Management Association / Corvallis OR, USA / Est. 1990
Asia Oceania Agricultural Proteomics Organization / Karaj, Iran Islamic Rep
Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association / Annapolis MD, USA / Est. 1992
European Vegetable Protein Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1977
International Conference on Cytochromes
International Conference on Second Messengers and Phosphoproteins
Symposium on Structural Proteomics / Est. 2011
International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides / Est. 1981
International MDM2 Workshop
Conference on Protein Expression in Animal Cells / Est. 2013
International Society of Protein Termini / Est. 2018
Global Reverse Phase Protein Array Workshop / Est. 2011
Good Food Institute / Washington DC, USA
Protein Production and Purification Partnership in Europe / Est. 2011

View all profiles (47 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Proteins

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Plasma protein abnormalities
Protein-energy malnutrition in infants and early childhood
Maternal malnutrition
Protein-energy malnutrition
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
Abnormal blood fats
Shortage of animal protein
Misuse of agricultural resources for production of animal feed
Protein deficiency in cereals
Inadequate protein supply
Excessive cost of animal protein
Loss of micro-organic proteins

Action Strategies relating to Proteins

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Creating additional protein sources
Establishing animal protein production
Diversifying nutritious protein crops
Increasing community protein source
Providing additional protein sources
Providing dietary protein supply
Increasing amount of animal protein
Increasing dietary protein
Providing sufficient protein in diet
Providing sufficient protein
Preserving micro-organic proteins
Lowering protein intake
Reducing incidence of protein-energy malnutrition
Exchanging animal protein

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