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Chemistry is the scientific study of the properties and behavior of matter. It is a physical science within the natural sciences that studies the chemical elements that make up matter and compounds made of atoms, molecules and ions: their composition, structure, properties, behavior and the changes they undergo during reactions with other substances. Chemistry also addresses the nature of chemical bonds in chemical compounds.

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Organizations relating to Chemistry

Association of Chemistry and the Environment / Nova Gorica, Slovenia / Est. 2000
Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry / Reading, UK / Est. 1935
International Society for Solid State Ionics / Seoul, Korea Rep / Est. 1987
Federación Latinoamericana de Quimicos Textiles / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1964
Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry / McLean VA, USA / Est. 1995
International Society for Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence / Est. 1994
West African Chemical Society
Red Iberoamericana de Toxicologia y Seguridad Quimica / Madrid, Spain / Est. 2006
IASPEI/IAVCEI Joint Commission on Physics and Chemistry of Earth Materials / Miami FL, USA / Est. 1996
Chairmen of the European Research Councils' Chemistry Committees / The Hague, Netherlands / Est. 1990
African Federation of Clinical Chemistry / Harare, Zimbabwe
Europt(r)ode / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1991
ECHEMS / Aarhus, Denmark / Est. 2004
Regional Network for the Chemistry of Natural Products in Southeast Asia / Est. 1977
Oil and Colour Chemists' Association / Manchester, UK / Est. 1918
Bureau gravimétrique international / Toulouse, France / Est. 1951
Royal Society of Chemistry / London, UK / Est. 1980
Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies / Santa Fe NM, USA
Pan Africa Chemistry Network / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 2007
Ecole européenne de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux, Strasbourg / Strasbourg, France
African Association of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Fédération arabe des travailleurs du naphte et de la chimie
Conselho da Indústria Quimica do Mercosul / Sao Paulo, Brazil / Est. 1994
International Association of Chemistry Societies / Est. 1911
International Chemometrics Society / Est. 2005
International Society for the Study of Solute-Solvent Interactions
International Chemistry Office / Est. 1927
Organotin Environmental Programme Association / Bergkamen, Germany / Est. 1978
European Association on Catalysis / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1975
Association of Faculties of Science in African Universities / Est. 1977
African Oil Chemists' Society / Wad Medani, Sudan / Est. 1995
European Chemical Society / Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
International Federation of Chemists / Est. 1912
International Society of Leather Trades Chemists / Est. 1897
Nordic Society for Free Radical Chemistry / Stockholm, Sweden / Est. 1998
International Council of Electrophoresis Societies / Vienna, Austria
European Federation Energy - Chemistry - Miscellaneous Industries / Est. 1920
Union of Arab Chemists / Baghdad, Iraq / Est. 1976
Chemical Societies of the Nordic Countries
International Redox Network
Federação Latino-americana das Associaçôes dos Quimicos e Técnicos da Indústria do Couro / Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil / Est. 1974
European Young Chemists' Network / Est. 2006
International Centre for Chemical Sciences / Karachi, Pakistan
International Electrophoresis Society / Madison WI, USA / Est. 1980
Phytochemical Society of North America / Est. 1960
International Oxidative Medicine Association
Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment / Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Chemists Without Borders / Sacramento CA, USA / Est. 2004
Green Chemistry Group / Oakmont PA, USA
International Symposium on Scientific Basis for Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalyser / Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

View all profiles (251 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Chemistry

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Acidic precipitation
Chlorofluorocarbons as an environmental hazard
Fatty acid oxidation disorders
Acidic soils
Urban psychosis

Action Strategies relating to Chemistry

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Applying environmental chemistry
Reducing emissions of halogenated gases
Closing the gap between hydrological flows and biogeochemical processes
Developing electrochemistry industry
Advancing food chemistry
Indexing acidification
Supporting research into global atmospheric chemistry
Monitoring global atmospheric chemistry
Applying chemical technology
Applying industrial chemicals
Applying agricultural chemicals
Reporting negligence by chemists
Reframing negative responses
Abolishing unethical practices of chemistry
Using chemistry illegally
Ensuring competent consultant chemists
Reporting malpractice in chemistry
Teaching chemistry
Studying chemistry
Developing clinical chemistry
Furthering chemical science
Educating clinical chemists
Creating regional biogeochemical models
Developing pharmaceutical medicine
Developing photochemistry

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