

Oceanography, also known as oceanology, sea science, ocean science, and marine science, is the scientific study of the ocean, including its physics, chemistry, biology, and geology.

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Organizations relating to Oceanography

Global Partnership for Oceans / Est. 2012
Arab Sea Ports Federation / Alexandria, Egypt / Est. 1976
International Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference Association / Redmond WA, USA / Est. 1990
International Coastal and Ocean Organization / Newark DE, USA / Est. 1989
South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation / Wellington, New Zealand
International Marine Certification Institute / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1992
Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System / Paris, France / Est. 2005
Intergovernmental Coordination Group for Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions / Quatre-Bornes, Mauritius / Est. 2005
International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna-like Species in the North Pacific Ocean / Shizuoka, Japan / Est. 1995
Comité Regional de Recursos Hidraulicos del Istmo Centroamericano / San José, Costa Rica / Est. 1966
Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology / Ravenna, Italy / Est. 1999
GOOS Regional Alliance for the South East Pacific / Paris, France / Est. 2003
Coastal Oceans Research and Development - Indian Ocean / Mombasa, Kenya
Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas / Paris, France / Est. 2005
UN-OCEANS / New York NY, USA / Est. 2003
Mediterranean Oceanography Network for the Global Ocean Observing System / Est. 2012
Action Plan for Protection, Development and Management of the Marine Environment of the Northwest Pacific Region / Busan, Korea Rep / Est. 1991
Action Plan for the Protection and Management of the South Asia Seas Region / Colombo, Sri Lanka / Est. 1995
International Waters Learning Exchange and Resource Network / Paris, France
Action Plan for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas in the South East Pacific / Guayaquil, Ecuador / Est. 1981
Conference of Baltic Oceanographers / Est. 1957
Third Millennium Foundation / Paciano, Italy / Est. 1987
Baltic Operational Oceanographic System / Tallinn, Estonia
Pelagic Advisory Council / Zoetermeer, Netherlands / Est. 2005
Waste Free Oceans / Brussels, Belgium
Fondation internationale du Banc d'Arguin / Arles, France / Est. 1986
Save Our Seas / Est. 1993
Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, Halifax / Halifax NS, Canada / Est. 1971
North American Society for Oceanic History / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1973
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research / Den Burg, Netherlands / Est. 1876
Ocean Futures Society / Santa Barbara CA, USA / Est. 1999
Pacific Whale Foundation / Wailuku HI, USA / Est. 1980
International Marine Minerals Society / St Petersburg FL, USA / Est. 1987
Ryan Foundation International / Chennai, India / Est. 1982
International Centre for Coastal and Ocean Policy Studies / Genoa, Italy / Est. 1992
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center / Honolulu HI, USA / Est. 1949
Fondazione Mediterranea / Ragusa, Italy / Est. 1985
EarthEcho International / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2000
Ocean Mammal Institute / Wyomissing PA, USA / Est. 1994
Turtle Island Restoration Network / Forest Knolls CA, USA / Est. 1997
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies / Hobart TAS, Australia / Est. 2010
Global Oceans
AfriOceans Conservation Alliance / Fish Hoek, South Africa / Est. 2003
Ocean Genome Legacy / Nahant MA, USA
Ocean Tracking Network / Halifax NS, Canada
Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences / St George, Bermuda / Est. 1903
Algalita / Long Beach CA, USA / Est. 1999
Plastic Change / Hellerup, Denmark
5 Gyres Institute / Santa Monica CA, USA

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