

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life. This is enabled by Earth being an ocean world, the only one in the Solar System sustaining liquid surface water. Almost all of Earth's water is contained in its global ocean, covering 70.8% of Earth's crust. The remaining 29.2% of Earth's crust is land, most of which is located in the form of continental landmasses within Earth's land hemisphere. Most of Earth's land is at least somewhat humid and covered by vegetation, while large sheets of ice at Earth's polar deserts retain more water than Earth's groundwater, lakes, rivers, and atmospheric water combined. Earth's crust consists of slowly moving tectonic plates, which interact to produce mountain ranges, volcanoes, and earthquakes. Earth has a liquid outer core that generates a magnetosphere capable of deflecting most of the destructive solar winds and cosmic radiation.

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Second Level Subjects


Organizations relating to Earth

Earth Association for Regression Therapy / Kessel-Eik, Netherlands / Est. 2006
IASPEI/IAVCEI Joint Commission on Physics and Chemistry of Earth Materials / Miami FL, USA / Est. 1996
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites / Est. 1984
International Coronelli Society for the Study of Globes / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1952
International Commission on Stratigraphy / Cambridge, UK
Global Terrestrial Observing System / Est. 1996
Africa Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science / Rondebosch, South Africa
International Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth Initiative / Exeter, UK / Est. 2006
Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology / Koblenz, Germany / Est. 2001
Earth Share / Bethesda MD, USA
Earth Rights Institute / Santa Monica CA, USA / Est. 2001
Renew the Earth / Albany NY, USA
Center for Women, the Earth, the Divine / City Island NY, USA
Citizens for a United Earth / Ionia NY, USA / Est. 1985
Earth Council / Est. 1989
Woman and Earth Global Eco-Network / New York NY, USA / Est. 1979
Earth Liberation Front / Est. 1997
Earth Economics / Tacoma WA, USA / Est. 1998
Earth First / Est. 1979
Earth Observing System / Greenbelt MD, USA
European Ecological Centre - Terre vivante / Mens, France / Est. 1994
Citizens' Alliance for Saving the Atmosphere and the Earth / Osaka, Japan / Est. 1988
Earth Institute at Columbia University / New York NY, USA
One Earth Future Foundation / Broomfield CO, USA / Est. 2007
Artists Project Earth / Banbury, UK
Earth Society Foundation / New York NY, USA
Earth Train Foundation / Albany CA, USA / Est. 2001
Earth Restoration Service / London, UK / Est. 2004
Films for the Earth / Winterthur, Switzerland / Est. 2007
Sacred Earth Trust / Est. 2009
Earth Partners Foundation / Est. 2009
Terre et Humanisme / Lablachère, France / Est. 1994
Radiant Earth Foundation / Washington DC, USA
Synchronicity Earth / London, UK
SEALOEarth / Westford MA, USA / Est. 2011
European Confederation of Wholesalers in Painting, Earth and Wall Sheeting
Earth Champions Foundation / Est. 2000
Earth Law Alliance / Est. 2012
United Earth Associations / Merchtem, Belgium / Est. 1996
Institute for Earth Education / Greenville WV, USA / Est. 1974
Earth Restoration Corps / Crestone CO, USA / Est. 1999
Earth Repair Foundation / Katoomba NSW, Australia
Africa Earth Observatory Network / Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Ends of the Earth Mission / Beeville TX, USA / Est. 1995
Association des constructeurs pour la réhabilitation et l'optimalisation de la terre / Grenoble, France / Est. 1985
Earth and Space Foundation / Cambridge, UK / Est. 1994
Tetworld Center for Peace, Earth Observatory and Global Gaming Complex / San Ysidro CA, USA
Earth Organization
European Colloquium on Geo-Chronology, Cosmo-Chronology and Isotope Geology / Jerusalem, Israel
Treaty on International Commercial Terrestrial Law / Est. 1940

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