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Education → Distance Education

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 4: Quality Education

Organizations relating to Distance Education

Distance Education Association of Southern Africa / Gaborone, Botswana
International Commission on Distance Education / Aranjuez, Spain / Est. 1997
World Council for Regular and Distance Education / Lucknow, India / Est. 2012
European Open University Network / Est. 1995
EUROPEA - International / Tulln, Austria / Est. 1992
Fundación Latinoamericana para la Educación a Distancia / Mendoza, Argentina / Est. 2004
Inter-American Distance Education Consortium / Hallandale Beach FL, USA / Est. 1990
Intercultural Open University Foundation / Wilmington DE, USA / Est. 1981
Bircham International University / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1992
Institute of Baltic Studies / Tartu, Estonia / Est. 1996
Arab Open University / Safat, Kuwait
International Association for Distance Learning / London, UK / Est. 2006
Universidad Abierta Interamericana / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Est. 1995
Caribbean Association for Distance and Open Learning / Est. 2004
Open Learning and Distance Education Association of Eastern Africa / Dar es Salaam, Tanzania UR / Est. 1999
European Home Study Council / Est. 1968
African Association for Distance Education / Harare, Zimbabwe / Est. 1973
West African Distance Education Association
European Council for Education by Correspondence / Est. 1963
Federation of Commonwealth Open and Distance Learning Associations
Pacific Islands Regional Association for Distance Education / Apia, Samoa / Est. 1993
International Society of Extension Education / Nagpur, India / Est. 1993
Distance Learning Center / San José, Costa Rica / Est. 1998
Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education / Cleveland OH, USA / Est. 1985
Latin American Network for Development in Distance Education / Est. 1989
Internationales Fortbildungszentrum für Psychoanalytische Selbstpsychologie / Konstanz, Germany
East Asia Open Institute
Fondation interaméricaine pour le développement de l'enseignement à distance
Mediterranean Network for the Distance Education of Managers / Paris, France
SAARC Consortium of Open and Distance Learning
Globewide Network Academy / Austin TX, USA / Est. 1993
African Distance Learning Association / Greensboro NC, USA
Europäisches Institut für Fernstudium
University of the Commonwealth for Cooperation in Distance Education / Est. 1987
Caribbean Agricultural Distance Learning Centre
Asia Pacific Distance and Multimedia Education Network / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 1997
Conseil européen de la formation à distance
European ODL Liaison Committee / Est. 1999
Open University in Europe / Brussels, Belgium
Universidad Interamericana de Educación a Distancia, Panama / Panama, Panama
Commonwealth Asia-Pacific Distance Education Network
Arab Network for Open and Distance Education / Amman, Jordan / Est. 1996
Europäisches Fernstudienzentrum Sachsen-Anhalt / Köthen, Germany
Asia International Open University, Macau / Macau, Macau
Commonwealth Open University
The Global Peace University / Opeinde, Netherlands
SEAMEO Regional Open Learning Centre / Tangerang, Indonesia / Est. 1997
Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Calidad en Educación Superior a Distancia / Loja, Ecuador
IFCA International / Grandville MI, USA / Est. 1923
SPARC Europe / Veenendaal, Netherlands / Est. 2004

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Action Strategies relating to Distance Education

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Educating by correspondence
Developing new distance education

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