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Industry → Commodities

Organizations relating to Commodities

Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa / Lusaka, Zambia / Est. 2008
International Financial Risk Institute / Geneva, Switzerland / Est. 1984
Interim Coordinating Committee for International Commodity Arrangements / Est. 1947
International Staple, Nail and Tool Association / Chicago IL, USA / Est. 1966
International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1983
Protocol Concerning the Exchange of Commodities / Est. 1950
ACP-EC Agricultural Commodities Committee / Est. 1984
Preferred by Nature / Copenhagen, Denmark / Est. 1994
Institute for Human Rights and Business / Eastbourne, UK / Est. 2009
International Association for Commodity Science and Technology / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1976
Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Development / Karachi, Pakistan / Est. 1977
Common Fund for Commodities / Amsterdam, Netherlands / Est. 1980

View all profiles (23 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Commodities

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Instability of the commodities trade
International trade barriers for primary commodities
Fraudulent commodities
Inadequate demand for primary commodities because of rising living standards
Restricted growth in export markets
Reduction in demand for primary commodities due to technological change
Underproduction of primary commodities
Dependence on import of staple foods due to transnational corporations
Unstable supply of raw materials
Securities and commodities exchange violations
Dependence on external resources
Adverse effects of high-yield grain in traditional agricultural settings
Commodity speculation
Discriminatory operation of international commodity exchanges
Over-production of commodities
Conflicting roles of commodities in capitalism
Deterioration of staple food production
Distorting effects of commodity taxes on the transaction of goods and nonfactor services

Action Strategies relating to Commodities

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Improving nutritional value of staple foods
Helping developing countries implement effective commodity policies
Reducing dependence on commodity exports
Reducing excessive dependence on primary commodities
Managing commodity export cycles
Managing exceptional commodity export profits
Managing price risk
Disputing international commodity agreements
Restricting production in primary commodities in developing countries
Increasing basic staple foods
Broadening basic commodities access
Identifying obstacles to commodity futures trading
Limiting commodity futures trading
Increasing demand for primary commodities due to technological change
Reducing demand for primary commodities due to technological change
Speculating in commodities
Producing primary commodities
Exposing securities and commodities exchange violations
Monitoring securities and commodities exchange
Abiding by securities and commodities exchange regulations
Removing international trade barriers for primary commodities
Studying stock-exchange and bourse related crimes
Reappraising value of money in capitalism
Improving demand for primary commodities
Packaging bulk foods

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