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Amenities → Food Security

UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 1: No PovertyGOAL 2: Zero Hunger

Organizations relating to Food Security

Southeast Asian Council for Food Security and Fair Trade / Est. 1996
UNU Institute for Natural Resources in Africa / Accra, Ghana / Est. 1986
New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition / Est. 2012
Europt(r)ode / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1991
Intergovernmental Authority on Development / Djibouti, Djibouti / Est. 1996
Foundation for Sustainable Food Security in Central West Africa / Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso / Est. 1992
International Food Security Network / Dhaka, Bangladesh
Right to Food and Nutrition Watch Consortium / Heidelberg, Germany / Est. 2013
Making Change / Alexandria VA, USA / Est. 1985
Belgian Fund for Food Security / Rome, Italy / Est. 1983
Afrique verte / Montreuil, France
Eurasian Center for Food Security / Moscow, Russia
Latin American and Caribbean Food Security Movement / Las Cruces NM, USA
Future Harvest / Est. 1998
Global Network on Food Security / Est. 1995
Sistema Andino "José Celestino Mustis" sobre Agricultura, Seguridad Alimentaria y Conservación del Ambiente
Committee on Sciences for Food Security / Est. 1996
Consortium for Southern Africa Food Security Emergency / Est. 2002
Regional Commission on Food Security for Asia and the Pacific / Est. 1982
SAARC Food Security Reserve / Kathmandu, Nepal / Est. 1987
European Commission Food Security Network
Perimart International / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1999
Coalition of African Organizations on Food Security and Sustainable Development / Est. 1998
East Asia Plant Variety Protection Forum / Tokyo, Japan / Est. 2007
International Plant Phenotyping Network / Jülich, Germany / Est. 2016
University for Peace / San José, Costa Rica / Est. 1980
Asian Food Security Association / Dhaka, Bangladesh / Est. 2010
Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security / Manado, Indonesia / Est. 2007
Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture / Coronado, Costa Rica / Est. 1942
Global Agriculture and Food Security Program / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2010
Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture / Rome, Italy / Est. 2014
Peace Parks Foundation / Stellenbosch, South Africa / Est. 1997
Enraíza Derechos / Madrid, Spain / Est. 1985
UN Nutrition / Rome, Italy / Est. 2020
Agriculture Alliance of the Caribbean / Est. 2004
Food Security Cluster / Rome, Italy
World Organisation for Animal Health / Paris, France / Est. 1924
Rede Regional da Sociedade Civil para a Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional na CPLP / Coimbra, Portugal
AgriTechTalk Africa / Kampala, Uganda / Est. 2015
AA International / Aberystwyth, UK / Est. 2005
International Federation of Agricultural Producers / Est. 1946
Society for International Development / Rome, Italy / Est. 1957
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute / Turin, Italy / Est. 1968
AgriTechTalk International CIC / Aberystwyth, UK / Est. 2012
Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development / Nairobi, Kenya / Est. 1975
International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2015
International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium / Eau Claire WI, USA / Est. 2005
Institut du Sahel / Bamako, Mali / Est. 1976
International Heads of Food Agencies Forum
Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change / Paris, France

View all profiles (104 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

Action Strategies relating to Food Security

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Monitoring food security
Accelerating transfer of biotechnology to increase food security in developing countries
Developing national early warning systems for food
Creating drought preparedness programmes stressing food security
Promoting food security provisions in world trade agreements
Identifying food security benefits of biological diversity
Securing food supplies
Increasing sustainable food production
Establishing policy to ensure global food security
Abstaining from a world food security system

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