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UN Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL 2: Zero Hunger

Organizations relating to Undernourishment

Alliance Against Hunger and Malnutrition / Rome, Italy / Est. 2003
World Runners / Greenbrae CA, USA / Est. 1978
Special Emergency Assistance Fund for Drought and Famine in Africa / Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire / Est. 1984
International Malnutrition Task Force / Southampton, UK / Est. 2005
Global FoodBanking Network / Chicago IL, USA / Est. 2006
Grameen Foundation / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1997
United Against Hunger / Rome, Italy
International Centre for Food Micro-Algae Against Malnutrition / Rome, Italy / Est. 2001
Bread for the World, USA / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1974
Alliance to End Hunger / Washington DC, USA / Est. 2004
Congressional Hunger Center / Washington DC, USA / Est. 1993
World Soy Foundation / St Louis MO, USA / Est. 2006
Edesia Nutrition / North Kingstown RI, USA / Est. 2010
Association mondiale de lutte contre la faim / Est. 1957
World Hunger Action Center
Children's Hunger Relief Fund / Santa Rosa CA, USA / Est. 1975
Children's Hunger Fund / Mission Hills CA, USA / Est. 1992
Centre for World Hunger Control, Paris / Paris, France
Canadian Foundation for World Development / Willowdale ON, Canada / Est. 1977
Liaison et action contre la faim / Paris, France
Global Hunger Alliance / Princess Anne MD, USA / Est. 2001
Self Help Development International / Est. 1984
Consulta Regionale contro la Fame nel Mondo, per il Disarmo e la Pace / Pescara, Italy
International Famine Centre / Cork, Ireland / Est. 1998
Gorta - The Freedom from Hunger Council of Ireland / Est. 1965
Ligue international permanente de lutte contre la faim / Porto, Portugal / Est. 1987
World Hunger - Global Development Program / New York NY, USA / Est. 1974
Non au droit d'affamer / Est. 1981
Comité de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon d'aide au développement et de lutte contre la faim dans le monde / Asnières, France / Est. 1967
Corps africain de réflexion et d'action contre la faim
World Hunger Alleviation Through Response Farming / Davis CA, USA / Est. 1984
There Need Be No Hunger / Est. 1984
Caribbean Food Bank
Bread for the Hungry / Vienna, Austria / Est. 1960
Comisión Católica Argentina para la Compaña Mundial contra el Hambre, Acción por Desarrollo / Buenos Aires, Argentina
Movimento per la Lotta contro la Fame nel Mondo / Lodi, Italy / Est. 1964
Australian Freedom from Hunger Campaign / Est. 1961
Hunger in the World Movement in Tessin / Massagno, Switzerland / Est. 1966
Frente Parlamentario Contra el Hambre de América Latina y el Caribe / Santiago, Chile / Est. 2009
Station internationale de recherche contre la faim dans le monde / Est. 1987
Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization / North Fort Myers FL, USA / Est. 1973
Institute for Food and Development Policy / Pasadena CA, USA / Est. 1975
Food for the Hungry / Phoenix AZ, USA / Est. 1971
International Network of Famine Studies / Est. 2014
Sasakawa Africa Association / Tokyo, Japan
Concern Worldwide / Dublin, Ireland / Est. 1968
International Food and Agribusiness Management Association / Corvallis OR, USA / Est. 1990
Presbyterian Hunger Program / Louisville KY, USA / Est. 1969
Sight and Life / Basel, Switzerland / Est. 1986
More and Better / Rome, Italy

View all profiles (116 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

World Problems relating to Undernourishment

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Subsistence-level malnutrition
Nutritional deficiencies
Protein-energy malnutrition in infants and early childhood
Maternal malnutrition
Protein-energy malnutrition
Denial of right to sufficient food
Man-made famine
Anorexia nervosa
Damage to infant brains from malnutrition
Inadequate immune responses in malnourished persons
Reduced activity of malnourished children
Inhibited growth of malnourished children
Malnutrition among indigenous peoples
Disruption of food supply due to military activities

Action Strategies relating to Undernourishment

From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential

Using oral rehydration therapy
Educating about diarrhoeal diseases
Fighting hunger by developing leaders
Improving access of rural poor to credit
Supplying basic nutritional needs
Hunger striker
Refusing to eat
Researching causes of starvation
Correcting nutritional deficiencies
Using famine
Using hunger
Using malnutrition
Reducing famine
Reducing man-made famine
Relieving spiritual hunger
Studying nutrition-based illness
Reducing incidence of malnutrition
Combating hunger
Eradicating thirst

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